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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTSA chapter.

I decided to browse my college book stores novel section, and after looking for a good minute, I came across one that caught my eye.

In Five years written by Rebecca Serle, follows the story of the main character Dannie Kohan- an aspiring lawyer who has everything planned within a 5 year timeline. She has just interviewed for her dream job and gets engaged the same night. That night however she wakes up to find herself 5 years into the future, the catch? She is in a completely different apartment, different ring and man.

There are a few good twists to this book, was invested in the story plot the whole time. It focuses on her struggle to understand what happened that night. As well as focusing on her friendship with her best friend Bella. They’re the classic trope of a wild child meets a goody-to-shoes. Dannie needs routine and stability, Bella on the other hand, who is an artist, blows with the wind. It really touches on emotional topics and theme’s regarding friendships, especially one’s we have as adults.

The book completely took me by surprise, and leaves you with a very bittersweet ending. And gives you a completely different perspective and a new meaning at the end of the 5 year timeline.

This is the perfect summer read!

Hi! My name is Catherine. I’m a junior at UTSA, and I’m majoring in English with a minor in communications. I love to write, and I excited to bring you interesting articles. From make-up recommendations to advice on important issues.