The reality of being an English Major is that you are not always going to love everything you read. The even more difficult fact to accept is that you don’t always have time to read something for fun outside of what is assigned to you. So, if you are an English Major with the same issue or a college student looking to read more, here are the things I did to find time to read for fun.
Always have a book with you:
Whether you think you are going to have time to read or not, it is always nice to keep a book handy for those times you happen to have a free minute. I always found this handy when I am waiting for a class to begin or waiting for the bus. Instead of hopping on TikTok or other social media platforms while waiting around, I can quickly read a couple of pages, and the next thing you know, you’ve read a lot of pages.
It does not have to be a book:
Sometimes having a book with you is not super practical, especially for those who have to carry a lot in their backpacks. Books are not the only fun reading material out there. You can read articles (like on HerCampus) or even go on sites like Webtoon. It is very easy to quickly take out your phone and read an article that intrigues you that is not related to school.
Reading before bed:
Like most people, I too am guilty of scrolling through social media before I go to bed, or I will watch a movie/TV show. However, replacing that habit helped me read a lot more books and makes me go to bed sleepier.
Read whenever you get the chance:
As mentioned in the first point, just reading in those 5-10 minute waits you have sitting on the bus or waiting for a class to begin. It may not be a lot of time, but that adds up, and any moment you get to yourself during a hectic semester is always worth savoring!