The new hit show on Prime Video, “Daisy Jones and The Six,” finished releasing all ten episodes on March 24, 2023. The show is based on the popular novel written by Taylor Jenkins Reid. The show features a band, somewhat based on 1970s band Fleetwood band. It mainly follows the two lead singers, Billy Dunne and Daisy Jones, and their destructive addictions and their success.
- Warren Rhodes
My favorite character of the show is Warren Rhodes, the dummer of the band. Warren was the easiest character to like, he was easy-going, never complained and wanted the best for the band. Other than that, I loved his brief story with a movie star he met on SNL. He was impossible not to like, and although he was more of an “ignored” character, I still ended up loving him the most.
- karen sirko
Karen was a more quiet character as well, but her independence and determination, especially for the time period she was in, was extremely inspiring. Karen represented the struggles of being in a career as a woman during that time period. Her pregnancy and relationship with Graham contrasted how different it was for her than Graham, which made an extremely important statement. Also, her outfits and makeup were both amazing, and I have a special love for Suki Waterhouse, the actress who portrays Karen.
- teddy price
How could you not like Teddy Price? He was the father figure of the band, the mentor of Billy and Daisy. Billy and Daisy both did not have the father figure in their lives, and he fulfilled that and more. In an industry filed with self centered and greedy people, he continued to stay humble and focus on his love of music and talent. He was the classic mentor role, but his sense of normalcy and his support for Daisy and Billy was refreshing.
- daisy jones
One of the more controversial characters, but one that I loved, was Daisy Jones. Daisy Jones obviously has a lot of issues, is selfish, and self-destructive. It was her character depth and development that won me over. The last episode, when Daisy chose Camilla and Billy over herself and her love for Billy showed how much she really had grown. Also, she was the person who kept Billy in line the most, as well as had the best lines. Her outfits were mesmerizing, as they matched her free-spirit and carelessness perfectly. The actress, Riley Keough, did an amazing job with this character.
- Simone Jackson
Simone was an amazing character that was portrayed as a character of support and stability for Daisy, but had a well-developed storyline of her own. Simone represented what it was like to be a queer performing artist during that time period. Simone was an inspiring supporting character that had great depth and character development.
- Graham Dunne
If Karen and Grahams relationship ended differently, and the reaction to Karen’s pregnancy was different, he would be ranked a lot higher. For the majority of the show, he was the kind hearted and lovestruck guitarist. I loved him, he was a completely contrast to his brother. I don’t think he had bad intentions with the way things ended with Karen, it was a complicated situation, but it still affected my view of him.
- camilla dunne (alvarez)
Camilla was hard, because I thought she had so much potential that was not executed. She was Billy’s wife, and sometimes we got glimpses of her being more than that, and I know she is, but I think that the show executed it in an unsatisfying and underdeveloped way. I think her character is extremely interesting and stands for a lot, I was just disappointed with how the show attempted to portray that.
- Billy Dunne
Billy is overall hard to like. He has very few redeeming qualities, although at the end of the show he seems to be somewhat “better.” At the very least, Billy is an extremely interesting and complex character. I didn’t hate him so much that I was mad when he was on screen because he had depth and intrigue. He remains to be an objectively bad person, though.
- Eddie roundhouse
I don’t hate Eddie, I just found him annoying. In the last three episodes his thoughts became a lot more prevalent, and I found them all to be irrelevant. I think his character was important to highlight Billy’s weaknesses to another extent, but besides that I was bothered by his negative attitude.
Overall, I loved the show and the characters. I didn’t read the book and I know there were some differences, but book adaptions can go very poorly, whereas this series is doing extremely well. The show currently has a rating of 8.1/10 on IMDB and their soundtrack is reaching millions of streams.