- Dress Up As Your Friends
Me and my friends are planning on doing this for the end of the summer semester and we’re really excited for it. Having everyone draw a name and show up acting and dressed like a person from your friend group is sure to spawn some funny pictures and good memories. Pair this with a couples style game trying to see who knows the person they dressed up as better and you’ll have a great night on your hands. While these people did it as their spouses, it’s entirely plausible to do it as a friend group.
2. Top Spotify Artist
What is a better way to put those Spotify stats to use than throw a party? This gives you the opportunity to learn all about your friend’s music taste and see them in some really avant-garde fits from their favorite singers. Make a playlist of all your top artist’s songs and have that be the music for the night. And don’t forget to pair it with some karaoke!
3. First Letter of My Name Party
I feel like these get to be really creative and people always end up taking the silly approach so if you want a party on the funnier side, this is for you. You can also tailor it to be whatever you want so people can dress up as actor’s that start with the first letter of their names, characters, or even food. Speaking of food, it would be a cool detail to have everyone bring something to eat that starts with the first letter of their name so you can be the alphabet and taste it too.
4. Red Flags and White Lies
All you need is a colored shirt and some sharpies. Then have all your friends writing down everything all night long. The shirts I’ve gotten from each party have so many fun inside jokes and silly little sayings that they’ve become some of my most favorite parties I’ve gone to in college. I think for it to be fun, you have to not just write your own red flag or white lie on a shirt but have your friends sign them so it can be a lasting memento.