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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

I just finished the Night Agent. Like 52 seconds ago. For some reason, it took a little long to create a new post. But I am here to tell you all about it now. Spoiler Alert!!

So you shouldn’t read this review if you haven’t watched the show because I won’t be explaining stuff, really. I will be expressing my opinions and writing down some details so I will remember them when (or if) season two comes out.

When I first saw Rose and Peter, it was in an edit on YouTube and I thought it was from one of those old shows that wasn’t popular (because YouTube knows I love edits with quality couples, even if the show wasn’t popular). That first scene…

Then my friend sent me a snap of him watching the show and that was when I realized that it was a new show (don’t ask me if I hadn’t seen it in the Top 10 list on Netflix, because I did. But you know, finals and stuff, I didn’t pay attention to it.)

Anyway, he told me it was really catching and I decided to give it a shot. And it was more than catching! I can’t remember the last time I saw a show that had action in every single scene. Even the slow moments were catching and fun to watch. I never once looked at how much time was left (well that’s a lie, I had to sleep early last night so I checked if I could finish one more episode).

Okay, without further ado, let’s get to the breakdown of the season.

First of all, I cannot believe that all of this occurred in 7 days. Or was it 10? I can’t remember because it feels like the first episode was 100 years ago.

NO, THE WAY THE WRITERS KEPT KILLING MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS THOUGH… Lorna, Cisco, and Erik did not deserve this… Well, at least nothing happened to Maddie, Chelsea, and the President.

The coolness of the president though! I am so grateful that she was not behind everything because we have all seen The Hunger Games (if you haven’t, don’t worry I don’t really remember everything about it. It has been a long time, I might be wrong).

Also, the fact that I watched the entire show thinking POTUS was a government agency like the CIA, and wondering why they weren’t telling us what it is. Then, in like episode 7, I realized it is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

Let’s be real, we all thought that Farr had something to do with the attacks in the beginning and then, for like two seconds, they convinced us that she was telling the truth. I am not sure though, I always had a doubt about her in my heart.

We also figured out that the Vice President was up to something from the moment he hesitated to leave in a meeting with the President. Her daughter probably took after her mother.

I loved the small details and messages that they planted throughout the show.

I liked the ending, too, because they concluded everything. I don’t like it when things are left on the hook anymore because you never know when Netflix is going to cancel a show. Peter’s name was cleared and became a Night Agent, Chelsea got the job she always wanted, and life is all rainbows and unicorns. We never got to see what happened to Farr and Redfield, though.

I will be honest with you. Because I liked the show too much, I refused to realize most of its flaws. Like the fact that the White House does not have more security, or that it took the main characters too long to get into a hard drive. And I would not have thought back on these details if I hadn’t read another review about the show. And I probably should have stopped reading it if I wanted to remember the show as excellent. Either way, it was fun for me to watch.

And it is too late for me to recommend it if you like thrillers or conspiracy theories because if you are reading this it either means that you have already watched it, or you know everything now and what is the point in watching it anymore?


Providence '26

Mathematics, Secondary Ed major with a Data Science minor Obsessed with languages and reading