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Lula’s speech on Workers’ Day: What are the promises he made?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

On May 1st (Workers’ Day), the brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) gave a speech to workers in Vale do Anhangabaú, in São Paulo, accompanied by ministers such as Luiz Marinho, Paulo Pimenta, Paulo Teixeira, and representatives of labor unions, where he made promises.

Lula’s speech – full vídeo

In his speech, he once again blamed the interest rate (currently at 13.75%) in the country, which he claims is responsible for the high unemployment rate in Brazil – “We can no longer live in a country where the interest rate does not control inflation. It actually controls unemployment in this country because it is responsible for part of the situation we are experiencing today.”

Over 17 minutes, Lula promised pay equity between men and women in the same position and highlighted measures to value the minimum wage, which increased from R$1.302 to R$1.320. Additionally, Lula mentioned a study on exempting income tax for workers on profits and results participation, as currently, companies are exempt from taxation on profits.

The president also promised the return of the “Farmácia Popular” program and the call for medical specialists to join the Unified Health System (SUS). He emphasized the importance of ensuring access to health for low-income people and stated that it is essential for these people to have access to medical specialists so that they do not have to settle for just prescriptions without proper medical care – “We will ensure that the poor in this country have the right to call a specialist so that they don’t die with a prescription by their bedside.”

During his speech, he highlighted that he is inviting foreign entrepreneurs to invest in Brazil during his trips abroad and the presentation of projects that will be delivered in the 3rd PAC.

Finally, President Lula promised to complete the construction of the Federal University of ABC and to inaugurate the Federal University of Osasco and the Federal University of the East Zone by the end of his term in 2026. Additionally, he committed to regulating social security protection for app-based workers to ensure their social security coverage – “It’s no problem that the guy works in the app. Many times the guy doesn’t want to sign the work card. No problem. But what we want is for the person who works with the app to have a social security commitment because if he gets sick or his wife does, there must be coverage for this person to be treated.”

All these proposals are part of the campaign promises.


The article above was edited by Ana Beatriz Aith.

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Maria Luiza Malafaia

Casper Libero '26

Hello, I'm Malu :) Journalism student at Cásper Líbero, who loves to write, learn and listen other people's stories.