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Life > Experiences

Growing Up with My Best Friends

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

You know when you are hanging out with your friends and planning all of your futures and you say, “We are gonna get married, have houses across the street from one another, and then have babies at the same time so they can be friends”? Yeah, I don’t mean to brag, but that’s practically my life.

 I was born in September of 2002. One month later, my cousin and soon-to-be best friend, Ellie, was born. 

The two of us have practically been attached at the hip since birth. A good majority of our baby pictures include both of us wearing some cute matching outfits. 

Not only were we pretty much raised as twins, but we shared practically everything- A Baptism, our first Christmas, first day of school, all the way up to our graduation party. 

Things only got wilder when we added a triplet into the mix. 

Yep, my aunt popped out another girl, Megan, a little over a year later. It did take a while for us to initiate her into the group, but now when I am home on break or over the summer, they are the only people I want to hang out with. Most of my other friendships from high school faded but hey, family is forever. 

I don’t know many people who are best friends who have as little in common as we do. Somehow, this has always worked out in our favor. When we were kids, I loved sports, Ellie loved nature, and Megan loved puppies and the color pink. I strongly believe these differences made us more independent. We would all go and do our own things but find our way back to each other at the end of the day.  

With all three of us being in college, it has been very difficult to spend time together over the last couple of years. This summer, we all had jobs which took up a big chunk of our time as well as other important obligations. 

We definitely are not the type of people who text, talk on the phone, or FaceTime on a daily basis so I really don’t know what goes on in their lives until we all get together for a family dinner.

Family dinners are always something I look forward to and one of the things I miss the most while at school. On Sunday night, we all gather at my aunt and uncle’s house and have a super delicious dinner. This is then followed by dessert and a campfire or board game. 

Even though we are all beginning to take our separate paths, it is so reassuring to know that Ellie and Megan will always be there for me, and I will always be there for them. 

Delaney Chase is the co-campus correspondent for the St. Bonaventure University Her Campus chapter. She works with the other campus correspondent and various board members to communicate with the rest of the Her Campus community as well as edit articles and lead weekly meetings. Delaney is a junior and is currently studying journalism and political science. She also is a writer for TAP into Greater Olean, an online news platform in the St. Bonaventure area, as well as a captain of the St. Bonaventure Women's Club Basketball team and Vice President of SBU for Equality. She enjoys hearing and sharing experiences with those of similar interests and enjoys being involved in different activities across the SBU campus. She finds this a great way to gain connections with those at her university and in nearby areas. She is enjoys the ability to gain experience and further her knowledge of the communications field. Outside of her time in school, Delaney loves listening to Taylor Swift and will take absolutely any opportunity to bring her up in conversation. She can often be found at the campus Starbucks with her friends ordering a pumpkin spice latte or brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso. She enjoys reading classic novels but also loves watching the trashiest reality TV shows.