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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SJSU chapter.

As a college student, college is usually romanticized as one of the best life periods because it is the time of finding your individuality, forming life-long friendships, and personal growth. 

Even though college can be all these things, mental health’s toll isn’t discussed as much. As college students are challenged with their mental health from the change of environment, academic challenges, and integration into their new lives, it is essential to acknowledge and know how to prevent negative emotions from affecting their mental health.

The mental health crisis on college campuses is alarmingly high; more than 60 percent of students meet the criteria for at least one mental health problem. Across 133 U.S. campuses, a survey was conducted where 44 percent of students reported symptoms of depression, 37 percent reported anxiety, and 15 percent considered suicide. 

Even with the increased reported mental health issues, they aren’t discussed enough because it is very stigmatized. It’s crucial to destigmatize mental health in college communities for students to be able to manage their feelings. Students should be comfortable discussing their struggles openly and seeking help without fear or judgment.

At SJSU, several programs help support students who struggle with mental health or need personal self-care to promote mental well-being. Some of these programs are SJSU CAPS and the Wellness Lounge in the Student Wellness Center. 

SJSU CAPS provides different types of counseling, such as personal counseling, individual counseling, couples counseling, and group therapy. Personal counselors help identify and accomplish your goals, whether academic or life. 

Individual counseling helps facilitate the exploration and resolution of personal conflicts based on the individual, such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem, etc. Couples counseling provides tools to resolve issues in their relationships, and group therapy is a way to connect with other peers, learn new strategies, and grow personally and educationally. To make an appointment, you can either call 408-924-5678 or your can register by visiting the Student Wellness Center Patient Portal.

The Wellness Lounge provides several resources to indulge in self-care and increase students’ quality of mental health and overall wellness. One service they provide is free 20-minute light therapy appointments, which can improve moods, boost energy levels, and enhance sleep. They also offer free 20-minute massage chair appointments and a space where students can relax or do work in between classes. 

Some of their programs are “Connect & Create” and “Relax & Recharge”. The Connect & Create program is available in the lounge each Tuesday from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., where students can connect with peers and create art through painting, coloring sheets, and bead bracelet making. The Relax & Recharge program is available in the lounge on Mondays and Thursdays from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. and is intended to encourage physical wellness and a sense of community from gaming. To sign up for either one of these programs and/or services, call 408-924-5678 or stop by the Wellness Lounge front desk.

If you are struggling with mental health or just need to take a break and recharge, I highly recommend taking advantage of these resources.

What are some of your favorite ways to destress? Let us know @HerCampusSJSU! 

Hi everyone! My name is Harini and I’m a third year majoring in Public Health and I'm part of the writer's team at SJSU. I started to enjoy writing when I started getting into the habit of bullet journaling and I eventually grew to enjoy to write about topics that interest me. Some topics that I enjoy writing about is wellness, physical/mental health, and relationships.