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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

We’ve all been there: in a phase, we simply just can’t explain. Whether it was dying your hair with Kool-aid, wearing mustache merch, or wanting to be a pop star growing up. It is sometimes a struggle to find yourself and what you like while you go through the brutal journeys of middle school, high school, and then choosing a college. And if you are like me, you can be easily influenced by what your friends are into and what they do. You’ll lose track and forget what your own passions are. 

It’s funny to see people’s tastes in TV shows and how they differ from others, but it can tell you a lot about yourself. Of course, TV shows will always entertain audiences because the plot is good. Still, sometimes you will be attracted to the show because of the occupation the characters have, like the FBI in “Criminal Minds” (2005), lawyers in “How to Get Away with Murder” (2014), or even doctors and nurses in “Grey’s Anatomy” (2005). Honestly, while watching these shows, I have caught myself a few times thinking that I would be interested in that job. 

The real question you want to ask is: Is this just a phase? Being surrounded by an occupation that you binge-watch or take an episode a day can sway your mind. You may think you like that profession because you watch the show’s juicy, exaggerated, and glorified storylines. A month without watching the show, and you may not even think of that job once. But this does not mean you aren’t interested in it.

Do some research on the profession, and see if the information would be something you would like to learn. After taking a chem class, I knew science and being a nurse wouldn’t be for me. All of the strategic thinking and problem-solving in “Criminal Minds” (2005) helped me realize that crime was one of my favorite genres to watch. I am in my first law class now and am more into than I thought I would be, thanks to “How to Get Away with Murder” (2014).  

So, in the end, if TV shows don’t help you pick a profession or make you realize your obsession was just a phase, then at least the shows will help you find your passions, and now, you know more about yourself. 

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Alexis Duffy is the President and Senior Editor at the Her Campus at Tampa chapter. She writes and edits articles as well as managing the chapter at Tampa. Her articles cover entertainment and lifestyle topics focusing on films and traveling. Outside of Her Campus, Alexis is a senior at the University of Tampa, double majoring in Communication, Media & Culture, and Advertising & Public Relations. She is currently an part time employee at the Tampa Bay Arts & Education Network, where she works on media projects and shadows in the tv studios helping with production. Alexis enjoys art, adventures, film, and traveling during her downtime. She often finds herself going down a rabbit hole when watching videos about the production of a movie, interviews, and fun facts about cinema. Alexis always seems to have her phases, whether it’s a Harry Potter marathon or watching The Dark Knight Trilogy.