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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

The fall season has arrived, and you lay down on your comfortable couch by the warm fire ready to relax. As you go to watch something on Netflix, you ask yourself, “What do I want to watch?” Do not worry, I am here to give you an answer. These are the top three Netflix shows that I would recommend during these chilly times.  

  1. You 

“You” follows the story of Joe Goldberg, an ex-bookkeeper who becomes fascinated with women to the point that he will do anything for their love, even if it means killing anyone that stands in his way of being with that “special someone.” Penn Badgley, who plays Joe, knew what it meant to be a “main character.” His acting in this show is done very well, as it adds to the escalating suspense throughout each episode. This psychological thriller is perfect for the spooky season because of its bone-chilling elements that will keep you engaged to the point you need to keep watching.  

  1. Unsolved Mysteries 

This show can be seen as an oldie-but-a-goodie type of show. This show first came out in 1987 on CBS and NBC and lasted for 15 seasons. In 2020, Netflix collaborated with the original creators of “Unsolved Mysteries” to bring it back to the Netflix platform. When I first watched it, I was drawn to it immediately. After every episode, I would look up the crime that took place and see if there had been any updates on the events that took place. This show also is exceptionally good to watch since Halloween is around the corner, as it contains lots of paranormal activity associated with ghosts, poltergeists, and alien sightings. So, if you like true crime shows, this is for you. ‘

  1. Grand Army

“Grand Army” centers around five high school students who are struggling with sexual, racial, and economic issues as they fight to succeed and have a better life. I watched this during my sophomore year in high school and I still relate to what it talks about to this day. Even though this show deals with high school students trying to find themselves, it can also relate to college students as they are trying to figure out what to do with their lives after college. This show is so touching and it truly is worth watching. Be warned, this show deals with touchy subjects so please watch at your discretion.  

Olivia Francis is a second-year member of the Her Campus at SBU chapter. She oversees the site’s culture, entertainment, and wellness verticals on the site, including mental health, relationships, TV shows, and movie coverage. Olivia is currently a second-year student majoring in Communications, Social Justice & Advocacy at St. Bonaventure University. Beyond Her Campus, Olivia has been published in many anthropologies over the years through an organization called Young Writers. She is also one of the leading coordinators for SBU's Break The Bubble. In her free time, Olivia enjoys writing poetry and short stories, along with taking walks while listening to her favorite music genres on Spotify such as Pop or R&B. One of her goals is to travel the world someday and explore new foods and customs. An interesting fact about Olivia is she is not only the first college gen student but, she is the first female in her family to go for a higher education.