“Sex and The City,” an iconic television show, aired over a decade ago, but continues to remain culturally relevant for college girls today. Set in the heart of New York City, the series tells the stories of four leading women – pragmatic Carrie, traditional Charlotte, steadfast Miranda, and lively Samantha. These four women are the epitome of chic, handling high level careers in journalism, corporate law, public relations, and art while also navigating the complicated world of dating in your twenties and thirties. There isn’t at least one scenario that doesn’t resonate with the modern college girl.
This unflinchingly authentic show is more than just a carousel of couture and Cosmopolitans. It’s a crash course for college women, supplying pivotal hush-hush insights into womanhood, personal autonomy, sexuality, and the power and importance of strong female friendships.
“Sex and The City ” demands the attention of college aged women, it promises invaluable wisdom and important life lessons that are great to learn early on in your dating life.
“Sex and The City” is a beacon of feminist empowerment. All four main protagonists hold successful jobs that are in male-dominated industries. By presenting such potent images of successful women leading successful lives, the show inspires the next generation of college women to strive toward their own professional ambitions.
The show stands apart from other drama-dies (drama comedies) by portraying frank and realistic depictions of relationships. It peels back all the layers that is a real-world romance – infatuation, love, heartaches, breakups, etc. The show details the gritty reality of dating as a single woman, complete with the high and lows. This upfront portal of relationships can provide college women with a more balanced view of relationships instead of the typical fairy-tale ending that many sit-coms and shows have.
“Sex and The City” also places a significant emphasis on having strong female friendships. The bond that these four women share transcends personal trials and the many relationships that come and go during the period of the show. These friendships are depicted as an added support system outside of romantic relationships, highlighting the importance for college girls who are building their own social connections and networks.
The show teaches important lessons about self-love and filling up your own cup. The show’s portrayal of unapologetically confident women can inspire college girls to not seek validation from outside but rather cultivate it from within themselves.
The series encourages embracing individuality. Despite the societal pressures that the four main characters are under, they stay authentic to themselves, illustrating to college girls that they do not need to conform to fit into the stereotypical societal norms.
“Sex and The City” stays a must-watch for college girls and women of all ages for its candid depiction of life and relationships. It offers valuable insights for college girls as they begin to navigate through this transformative phase of their lives. This show does an excellent job at championing ambition, the power of friendships, self-love, and independence, making this show a thoughtful and necessary watch for all college girls.