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Single on Valentine’s Day? And Your Galentines are busy?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

Some people love Valentine’s Day while others are huge haters of it. In my life, I’ve only had a Valentine once, and it honestly wasn’t very memorable. On the other hand, spending Valentine’s Day with my Galentines always manages to be memorable. Valentine’s Day with your best friends is way more fun and less problematic, especially because you don’t have to worry if a significant other will get you a present or take you on a date.

But what if your Galentines are busy?

Do not fret because not having a Valentine is okay! There are many kinds of dates on which you can take yourself, and although it might feel uncomfortable and lonely at first, it’s beneficial to do things for yourself and by yourself.

Here are 15 ways you can enjoy Valentine’s Day by yourself:

1. Go for a walk

Enjoy a walk in the woods or your favorite town while getting fresh air!

2. Do yoga

3. Make yourself a healthy meal

Making yourself a healthy meal really helps boost your mood!

4. Get a massage

It’s rare to take the time to get yourself a massage, so Valentine’s is the perfect excuse to go and get one!

5. Go to a cat café

It is my dream to go to a cat café! Maybe this Valentine’s Day I’ll finally go to one.

6. Take a painting class

I have never taken a painting class before, but it sounds like a lot of fun! This Valentine’s Day, explore your creative side; even if you think you don’t have one, I believe you do.

7. Meditate

I definitely think meditating should be a daily task since it helps you clear your mind and control your breathing.

8. Take a long bath

9. Do a face mask

You can never go wrong with a face mask, especially the ones that have fun faces on them!

10. Write a book or journal

Journaling is my favorite thing to do when I need to get things off my chest. It feels better to physically write things down that are bothering me rather than keeping them to myself. You could even write your own story if you wanted!

11. Relax on the couch

You can never go wrong with relaxing on the couch with a good movie and some popcorn.

12. Read a book

13. Paint your nails

Going out and getting your nails done or doing it yourself is always a go-to for self-care!

14. Go to the movies by yourself

I heard that going to the movies by yourself is such a great experience, and I’ll definitely be trying it out soon!

15. Make a playlist

Making a playlist with all of your favorite songs is such a fun activity.

It’s hard to stop in this fast-paced world and give yourself some me-time now and then. Most people think Valentine’s Day has to be spent with others, but it does not always have to be; you can love yourself and be proud of that! Take the time to celebrate your love for yourself and don’t worry about anyone else.

Let Me Paint the Picture

A perfect self-Valentine’s Day could start with going on a walk to your nearest cat café then spending time with the cats that love you for being there. After that adventure, you can watch a movie by yourself that you have been wanting to see. Next, go to your favorite restaurant and gladly say it is for one while ordering your favorite dessert. When you head back home, use the time to take a nice long bath while either meditating, reading a book or journaling.

This seems like the ideal self-date to me. It wouldn’t hurt to give it a try!

You shouldn’t have to wait to go on these self-dates until a special day like Valentine’s Day; you should go on a self-date any day you please! If you’re still worried about what to do for Valentine’s Day, take a few of these suggestions into consideration.

I know a self-date takes a lot of courage to do for some people, but if you can do these all by yourself, you are capable of so many more beautiful things!

Cierra is a 3rd year Strategic Communications major and minoring in Design Thinking. She is graduating in May 2025. After college, she hopes to work in international communications because one of her dreams is to travel as much as possible while doing the job she loves.