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So, You’re New to the Thrifting Game? Here’s What You Need to Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

Once you go secondhand, you never go back. I remember when I first started going to thrift stores and had no idea what to do. I thought it was as simple as walking up to a rack and combing through pieces. If only it were that simple. For those who are on what I like to call ThriftTok or Thriftstagram, it can be overwhelming to see an endless supply of content where influencers pile their cart high with goods, only to resell them later on a website.

As a seasoned veteran of the thrifting wars, I know firsthand how hard it can be to find the right outfit at an outlet better known for providing nursing scrubs in 13 different colors. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not impossible. Hopefully, my tricks of the trade can be useful to you if you’re thinking about going thrifting but don’t know where to start.

Arrive Early

While most thrift stores are open until early evening, the best time to visit them in my experience is the morning. Think of it like this: would you rather have someone else’s leftovers or a fresh, piping-hot meal?

Essentially, getting to the thrift store in the morning ensures that you get a first look at their selection for the day. When you arrive at thrift stores later, it’s much tougher to find good pieces because most of them have already been snatched up at nine in the morning. You want to get to the good stuff before Karen from the PTA does.

Patience Is a Virtue

A common mistake many people make when thrifting is assuming that they’ll find their dream item of clothing within the first 15 minutes. While that would be great for the sake of time, the reality is that it takes hard work and at least an hour of carefully going through racks to find the best stuff.

In my experience, a new thrifter should be mindful that all good things come to those who wait. Most thrift stores are huge, and there’s a lot of ground to cover, so the likelihood of you finding your perfect piece in under a half hour is unlikely. Being patient and working methodically has much more potential to bring you that shopping adrenaline rush than any haphazard and rushed search ever could.

Look For Potential

Sometimes, the things you find at the thrift store can outwardly look hideous. These outlets are built on donations after all, which are the things people don’t want. But some of my best outfits have come from pieces that I initially turned up my nose at when shopping. They weren’t exactly my size, or I liked only one part of the shirt.

But as time went on, I realized that clothing bought secondhand rarely comes ready-made for its owners. I stopped putting limits on my imagination and started tailoring some of the pieces I bought. I have this one shirt now that was initially too big for me, but I cut it down with a handy pair of scissors and turned it into my favorite crop top.

My point is, don’t limit yourself because a piece isn’t exactly the way you like it. You have the power to shape and mold a piece of clothing to you.

Check Every Section Twice

This may seem obvious, but it’s the most important tip I can provide. You never know what piece of clothing could be hidden away in a section you don’t normally visit. Things get misplaced all the time in thrift stores. To top it off, sometimes the women’s clothing section just seems chock-full of chunky sweaters and shirts that were popular in 2012 (although that style is coming back now).

But going outside of your comfort zone can lead to some amazing finds. The men’s section often has cute, oversized shirts if you’re going for a comfy look. The swimsuit section often has beautiful lingerie that can be worn as tops or bodysuits. And don’t be afraid to circle back, either. There is beauty everywhere in the thrift store, but you have to look for it.

Hopefully, my survival guide will prove useful to anyone looking to dip their toes into the secondhand clothing pond. The more you go, the better you’ll get at maximizing your time there. Soon you’ll be the one giving your friends advice on how to approach the racks. Good luck, and may the thrifting gods be with you.

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Havilah Sciabbarrasi is a senior at Florida State University and working toward a degree in Editing, Writing, and Media (AKA English). She is the current editor-in-chief of The Kudzu Review, an undergraduate literary magazine that takes submissions in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art from students all over the country. When she's not busy writing her hot takes on all things campus, entertainment, and books, she can usually be found romanticizing New York, ranting on Goodreads, or rooting through the bins at her local Goodwill.