I hope you’re having a great semester so far, no matter what major you are! We are all working so hard, make sure you get yourself a little treat for all your efforts. Since I’m officially in my second semester of junior year, I’ve had to start thinking about what I want to do when I graduate. Should I go to graduate school? Get my PhD? Should I enter the workforce with just my bachelors? All are great ideas, but I’m still a little unsure, and I’m certain that many of you are in the same situation. For people like me, who are in the Humanities, it may seem scary since we probably hear from our parents, friends and strangers that there aren’t a lot of jobs for Humanities degrees anymore. But, I think this is extremely negative discourse. The Humanities are so important for the enrichment of our culture, whether it be through history, literature or art. Here are a few reasons that you should be proud of your Humanities degree!
Humanities Majors Explore and Appreciate other Cultures’ Arts
Humanities classes do not just cover one specific type of art, literature or history. Humanities majors are well versed in other countries’ arts too. English majors frequently read plays, poems or books from Eastern countries and Western countries. In fact, there were multiple classes that I have taken at UIUC where we read literature from Japan, the Middle East, China and Africa. Philosophy majors don’t just focus on Plato and Aristotle either, they are educated in Confucianism and other Eastern philosophies too! Each major has enriched its education so they know much more about the world than people think. It is so important to know these cultural arts because every culture deserves to be celebrated and studied, not just one specific type!
Humanities Majors Preserve the Past and Pave Way for the Future
Without humanities academics, history would gradually be lost and forgotten. No culture should have to worry about their traditions being wiped away. Moreover, humanities majors are able to help people understand these arts and customs, and when more people are educated about this, then there will be more opportunities for cultural appreciation in the future! Humanities allow people to think and create in different ways, which can create new arts that become historically important!
So…what should I do with my Humanities degree?
This is completely up to you. The world is your oyster! If you’re super passionate about your field of study, I say you continue forward with a Ph.D. or a Master’s degree. If you love your degree but don’t want to continue forward in school, then consider other paths. Maybe you could become a teacher, a marketing representative or a journalist. Whatever mark you want to make on the world, you go out and do it! Thanks for reading, everyone!