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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

I think most of us can relate to this topic. I know all of us have been anxious at one point or another. Whether it’s the pressure of school, relationships, or the uncertainties of the future, anxiety can take over and impact our daily lives. It is important to realize that anxiety is a natural response to stress, and learning how to manage it can significantly improve your mental health. The good news is that there are many effective strategies to help navigate our anxiousness. Personally, my anxiety is more me getting in my own head (aka overthinking) to the point where my heart starts to race, and all I want to do is lay in bed. Thankfully, I have found ways to cope with this and for me that is staying active. Here are three activities that I have been doing to help deal with my anxiety.

  1. Yoga: I recently got a membership at Bella Prana, and it has decreased my anxiety significantly. In class, we focus on breathing exercises and meditation to reduce stress. I have learned how to be present in the moment and try to let go of worries about the future. I highly recommend this to anyone who lives with anxiety and needs to find a way to relax but also stay active at the same time.  
  2. Hot Girl walks at Bayshore: My favorite thing to do. There’s nothing more calming than taking a hot girl walk alongside Bayshore. Bayshore Boulevard is a waterfront road on Hillsborough Bay in South Tampa, and it’s known for its beautiful view. From looking at the sunset to seeing dolphins swimming in the ocean, this is the perfect way to reduce nerves. I always feel much better after my walks, and it releases tension in my neck and shoulders. Mainly, it offers a new perspective on problems and worries that I have been dealing with.  
  3. Day Trip to the Beach: I know a lot of us have busy schedules, but it’s important to take time for yourself. When I’m at the beach, I love hearing the sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shore. It has a soothing effect on me and induces a sense of calmness and clarity. The beach brings me back into the present, and I feel more connected to nature. 

By incorporating these activities into your routine, you can stay active and improve your mental health. I know that everyone’s anxiety is different, so you must remember to listen to what your body is telling you and know that consistency is key.

Hi my name is Amanda Cusack! I am 21 years old and I am a senior at the University of Tampa. I am majoring in Marketing and minoring in Public Relations. I have taken many enjoyable classes that have helped me improve my writing skills, such as media writing, writing & inquiry, media aesthetics, etc. Being apart of Her Campus will be a great way to meet more people and help improve on my writing skills. A little bit about me is I was born and raised in New Jersey. I have a younger sister named Caitlyn and she is a sophomore at the University of Delaware. I also have a dog named Dallas and he just turned 10 a couple months ago! Outside of school I like to go to the beach, go to concerts, and mainly spend time with family and friends.