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Embracing your Inner Goddess: A Guide for Welcoming Women’s Month

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPRM chapter.

A journey every woman should embark upon is channeling their inner goddess and with women’s month finally here, it is the perfect opportunity to practice this small guide. 

It’s important to note that “embracing your inner goddess”, is not just about self-discovery, but also about self-love, acceptance, and harnessing one’s inherent power. So, as we delve into this topic, I hope these strategies come in handy in making your women’s month one of personal development and appreciation. 

Play an active role in your personal development

There’s a famous quote from Ali Owens that says: “Visualize your highest self then start showing up as her“. This couldn’t be more true because at the end of the day talk is cheap; our actions are what will truly determine where our personal development is headed. If you’re looking for some guidance or inspiration, this video by Lana Blakely is a good place to start. Here, she talks about the importance of asking ourselves what we want out of the stage of life we find ourselves in while finding reasons that are genuine to our own morals and standards. 

Mastering your strut

Do you want to feel like Naomi Campbell or Bella Hadid? Well, look no further! If there is anything that can give you a complete confidence boost is mastering your signature strut. A great resource on TikTok is @beentheredonethat . She posts lifestyle content, while also sharing strut work-out routines according to your favorite artists. This is a great resource if you’re also looking to get your daily steps in but want to do it with a fun kick. Below, I’ve inserted one of her videos for reference.


Replying to @anserrr this workout’s always a GOOD idea, right? ;) this one’s called ORTS (olivia rodrigo treadmill strut) on spotify & apple music 😈 #treadmillstrut #oliviarodrigo @Olivia Rodrigo

♬ bad idea right live – sourtraitor

Embrace your emotions from a genuine mindset

We all know what it’s like to have days where sadness or anxiety creep in. This can be really overwhelming especially when you feel like you have a million things on your to-do list but you can’t seem to feel motivated to do anything. In these cases it’s completely understandable for us to want to distance ourselves from the pain or discomfort we are experiencing at the moment. 

However, if one thing is certain, when we bypass our emotions without processing them we are doing ourselves a disservice. This is why it’s so important for us to be able to embrace all of our emotions, in order to have a greater quality of life. 

Are you interested in implementing this technique but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, I’ve got you. In the video below, yogi influencer Hitomi Mochizuki shares some of her tips. 

Stay hydrated

I know that this tip is pretty standard, but I had to include it here because although there is no universally agreed quantity of water that should be consumed daily, staying hydrated is essential in maintaining a healthy body. 

If you’re looking to reach your hydration goals, I’d recommend getting a nice tumbler and customizing it with stickers you like. A good place to start would be looking into brands like Yeti or Corkcicle, if you’re interested in purchasing a tumbler that fits your personal style. 

Give my playlist a listen

In honor of women’s month, I decided to make a Spotify playlist composed of artists I think you’ll love listening to. So, whether you’re journaling, hitting the gym or just getting ready to go out, I think you’ll find a sprinkle of dopamine in each of these songs. Enjoy!<3

Join us at our Tote Bag Paint Night

On next tuesday, March 12th, we’ll be hosting a Tote Bag Paint Night alongside the student organizations: WIE UPRM, WIP UPRM, SWE UPRM, AWIB UPRM, ACMW UPRM, and Pink Pandas UPRM. The activity will take place in Stefani-216 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm and it has a cost of fifteen dollars ($15). It’s important to note that this will include: one tote bag, paint, pencils, snacks & refreshments and music. 

All of these proceeds will be donated to Fundación Alas a la Mujer, a private non profit organization that supports women who are victims or survivors of gender-based violence. Apart from this being for a great cause, we’ll be spending some quality time with incredible women while letting our creativity run free. 

We hope to see you there!

Sofía Isabel Valentín Díaz is a staff writer for Her Campus in the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez chapter. At the moment, she is pursuing a career in Psychology and aspires to become a Clinical Psychologist while also earning a Master’s Degree in Communications with a Minor in Journalism. Writing is one of her many passions in life and she is determined to continue sharing a part of her heart and mind to all of her readers one article at a time.