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What’s in My Beach Bag for Spring Break?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

With the stress of midterms and the general spring semester crunch, there comes a very warranted vacation: spring break. If you’re a beach lover and lucky enough to get away for the week, here are some things I can’t live without on a great beach day.

The Bag in Question

I hold a deep affinity for Trader Joe’s fabric tote bags, specifically the ones with red handles that feature artwork of waffles, pickles, or sardines. Perhaps, unnecessarily, I’ve managed to collect all three types. I can safely say these are some of the best tote bags out there. Their designs are adorable and unique, and you really can’t go wrong with the size. I love taking them to the beach because they’re easily washable and fit more than may seem. If you’re more of a picnic person, I’d probably opt for an insulated bag.

SPF and Reef-Safe Sunscreen

This is super important! A sunburn is the last thing you want to end your day with. I love to be in the water, so I usually get SPF sunscreen with a water-resistant formula.

Another thing to consider is if it’s “reef-safe.” Since that term isn’t regulated, some companies will claim they use reef-safe ingredients when they don’t. If you’re interested in making sure your sunscreen won’t pollute the ocean, you can learn more about some of the specific ingredients to avoid here.

Teva Sandals

I’ve owned a couple of pairs of these and I love them! They’re super lightweight, easy to clean, and adjustable. I find them comfortable to wear on the sand, pavement, or rocky surfaces. Teva sandals are very versatile shoes and great for the beach.

Vintage Swimsuit

Okay, hear me out. I know there are some preconceived notions about wearing a used swimsuit, but I’ll say I’ve been thrifting swimsuits for years and have been just fine. In my experience, I’ve properly cleaned my vintage swimsuits, and haven’t had any harm wearing them.

The Y2K designs of Roxy and designs of other surf brands are truly unbeatable, and some of today’s suits just don’t compare. I’ve found a variety of great ones on Poshmark and eBay, and I’ll say that those listed tend to be very clean when I receive them. I love to buy second-hand because it’s more sustainable, and oftentimes you find something unique!

Comfy Coverup

Since it’s not summer weather yet, the beach might be chilly enough in the evenings for a hoodie or sweatshirt to toss over your swimsuit. Even if it’s hot out, there’s something comforting about a cozy hoodie to wrap up in on the drive home.

Insulated Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is super important, and a good quality insulated water bottle will make sure your drink stays cold all day. Plus, it’s a great way to reduce plastic waste!

Waterproof Camera

Although I love my phone, I will say it’s lacking in the waterproofing department. I don’t care what Apple claims; my phone will not be going near the ocean. Instead, I’ve found waterproof cameras to be super handy and more stress-free. You can choose digital cameras, film cameras, and more. I have the Nikon COOLPIX W100, and it’s stood up to dives, salt, and sand with good care for quite a few years. Unfortunately, that exact model has been discontinued, but similar ones are sold on eBay and Amazon.

RipTie Hair’s Hair Ties

If you have long hair and enjoy surfing or swimming in the ocean, you understand the struggle that is the tangly, salt-crusty mess you have to untangle once you get in the shower. The hair tie from RipTie Hair is a “tangle-free tie” that uniquely pulls your hair back and wraps around it so you don’t have to worry about a tangled mess! The designer is a surfer and SCUBA diver, so it’s surfer-tested!

Hopefully, this list gives you some fun inspiration for your next beach trip during spring break!

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Harper West is a staff writer at the Her Campus at Florida State University chapter. She is double majoring in History and Environmental Science & Policy, and plans to graduate in the spring of 2027. Aside from HCFSU, Harper is part of the Presidential Scholars program at FSU, a member of Phi Alpha Delta (Pre-law fraternity), and serves as a research assistant at the FSU Marine Lab. In her spare time, she enjoys being in nature, running, and sewing new outfits.