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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

For better or worse, our college dorm rooms become our homes away from home while we’re at school. That’s all the more reason to make sure your personal sanctuary is as cozy as possible! There are a few easy things you can do to cover up those bland, white cinderblocks and replace those sterile fluorescent lights.

Here are three things I did to make my room my own!

Cover your walls with everything and anything!

Since moving into my dorm, I’ve made it my mission to annihilate as much of the cinder block wall space as possible. So far, I’d say I’ve been chipping away at it nicely. Decorating your dorm does not need to be an expensive undertaking. You can find all the things you need for free or for a cheap price.

I decided to tackle the cinder block walls first, as the boring white made the room feel sterile and lacking in personality. I suggest gathering a few posters and pictures and maybe adding a mirror, bulletin board, or calendar to start the process of filling your wall. You probably have plenty of photos you can print cheaply at CVS and maybe some posters from your room at home. If you really want to, you can color-coordinate your posters and photos to get a theme going, but that’s only if you feel extra!

I love taking found items and putting them on my wall. Not only is it free, but it’s a fun way to remind me of the places I’ve been and the things I’ve done at school.

Some of my favorite finds came from a designer brand catalog, postcards, and cute printed shopping bags! Greeting cards and notes from friends and family are also a great way to fill space. I also have cute paper coasters from a restaurant I went to stuck on my bulletin board.

Anything you think would be a cute addition to your wall or cork board, stick it up there! You can also purchase cheap PDFs of cute art prints on Etsy and print them at CVS! 

Decorate With pillows, throw blankets,  jelly cats, and more!

The next most important part of perfecting your zen space is your bed, of course! Dorm rooms and college living spaces, in general, aren’t usually super spacious, so it’s important to fill up the biggest spaces, like your bed, with visually appealing decor that is functional and stylish.

It’s a good idea to have some sort of a color scheme or aesthetic for your bed and maybe decor in general. Look no further than Pinterest if you are lacking inspiration! My color scheme for my room is white and blue, with random accents here and there. As long as the biggest pieces in your room coordinate, the rest should tie in nicely.

Blankets, throws, decorative pillows, and stuffed animals can make all the difference in making your room oh-so cozy! If you already have some decorative pillows and a colored or patterned bedspread consider adding some layers with throw blankets or some cute stuffies. T.J. Maxx and Target have some great throw blankets if you don’t already have some. Having a cozy and aesthetically pleasing space to sleep in will make you look forward to making your bed in the morning and getting into it at night!

Light Up Your Room!

Lighting truly makes all the difference. I’m a big fan of having my shades up when the sun is out so that the natural light gets in my room, but it is also important to think about lighting when it’s dark out.

Most dorms have pretty bright fluorescent overhead lighting, which can get a little tiring on the eyes at night. Fun light fixtures are a great way to add another touch of personality to your space. My nightstand and desk lamps help tie in the color scheme of my room and create a nice nighttime ambience, signaling to my body that it’s time to sleep soon.

Some other fun lighting options include fairy lights, LEDs, lava lamps, neon word signs, faux candles, and cool-looking lamps/fixtures. Think about how to level up your room’s mood lighting!

Get started on refreshing your room decor and fall in love with your space again!

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Kate Rekas is a sophomore on the marketing team at the Her Campus Boston University Chapter. She was on the editorial team last year and enjoys writing and creating content for HerCampus. Kate is majoring in public relations and minoring in business administration. She has a passion for all things creative and loves using her communication skills to market and promote the organizations she is a part of on campus. In addition to being part of Her Campus, Kate is a member of the Boston University Figure Skating Team, and Public Relations Student Society of America (BU chapter). When not studying or skating, Kate is exploring the city of Boston, and seeking out as many niche concerts and sunset watching opportunities as possible!