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Time Flies When You’re Having Fun: A Reflection on My Four Years at UMass Amherst

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Four years ago, I was a senior in high school. The COVID-19 pandemic had just shut the whole world down for the foreseeable future, and I had just committed to going to UMass Amherst in the fall to study Business Management. Though my college experience started off a little rocky, (I was at home taking classes remotely for my entire freshman year), I’ve had the absolute best time calling UMass home for the past four years, and I’ll be so sad to leave Amherst in two short months.

When I first moved to Amherst to begin my sophomore year, I was so excited to start a new chapter of my life, but I was also pretty nervous about all of the changes that come with moving into a dorm. However, after a week or two of settling in, I was absolutely loving UMass. A big part of this had to do with the people I found; I completely lucked out before classes had even started and met the girls who would become some of my closest friends today. We were able to have so many new experiences together, support each other, and grow together that first year, and I really can’t imagine my college experience without them. 

My junior year looked a little bit different. My fall semester was full of great classes, experiences, and memories, but it doesn’t hold a candle to my spring study abroad semester in Florence, Italy. Thanks to UMass’s incredible options for studying abroad, I was able to have a truly life-changing semester of travel, growth, new people, and amazing food. I feel so lucky to go to a school that encourages students to get completely out of their comfort zones and make themselves more well-rounded individuals. I grew so much as a person that semester, and I know I’ll carry that time with me for the rest of my life.

Now, here I am as a second semester senior only two months from graduation. Since I committed to UMass, I decided to pursue two bachelor’s degrees simultaneously and will be walking away from Amherst with a BBA in Management and a BA in Communication. I had a really great internship with the UMass Institute for Applied Life Sciences since this past summer, and I’ve been involved in some wonderful student groups on campus as well. I am now a Senior Editor for Her Campus (shoutout!) and Co-Captain/Instagram Manager for the UMass Tap Company. These experiences have helped shape my experience at UMass, and I am so grateful to this school for all of the opportunities it has given me to learn new skills, meet new people, and try new things!

It’s easy to remember the highlight reel of college; next year, I’m sure I’ll be reminiscing about our nights out at Stacker’s, getting dinner and drinks at Pasta e Basta and AmCo, and my adventures from study abroad. However, I think I’ll miss the little things the most. I’ll miss hanging out with my roommates (the same girls I met sophomore year!) in our living room before we go out. I’ll miss doing work in the Hub between classes and then people watching in Blue Wall during lunch. I’ll miss taking walks around my neighborhood as the weather slowly warms up in the spring. I love the life I have here in Amherst, and as excited as I am for the next chapter, I’ll be very sad to move on from this one.

Of course, college hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows — there have been some late nights, some stress, and a whole lot of growing pains. As big as those experiences seemed in the moment, those aren’t the things I’m bringing with me as I move on from UMass. I’ll look back on my time here very fondly and hold on to all of the amazing memories I’ve made. Who knows, one day I may even miss my late-night procrastination-fueled study sessions!

If you’re still in college, especially at UMass, enjoy your time at school and make the most of all the opportunities you have there. Everything you hear about those four years flying by is 100% true; college is such a unique experience, and it’s up to you to take advantage of all it has to offer. Say yes to things that make you excited, don’t be afraid to try new things, don’t let your fear of looking silly hold you back, and Go Minutemen!

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Emily Day

U Mass Amherst '24

Emily is a senior at UMass Amherst majoring in Business Management and Communication and pursuing a minor in Spanish. In her free time, she can be found hanging out with friends, dancing on the UMass Tap Team, or reading a new book.