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What Aries Season Means For You Based On Your Rising Sign

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Spring has sprung, and along with the weather, a brand new astrological year is heating up! That’s right, it’s Aries season. I’ve brought back The Cosmic Latte to give you a rundown on what to expect this month based on your rising sign. Check back to my first article, inspired by The Cosmic Latte, to figure out your big three if you’re unsure. So, without further ado, let’s get into what we can expect this fiery Aries season.

aries season

Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by the god of war, Mars. Aries is the first zodiac sign, so it marks the beginning of the astrological year. Characterized by independence, decisiveness, boldness, and assertiveness, Aries is authoritative and passionate.

aries rising

For Aries risings, the flames of your inner fire are ignited this month. You’ll feel a surge of confidence and energy, and as a consequence, your charisma will be especially magnetizing. It’s the perfect time to just go for it. Be brave and follow your instincts.

taurus rising

This is a time of closure for Taurus risings. Your inner world is likely ablaze with self-discovery. Avoid overthinking, though. Just follow your impulses and instincts as they can guide you to the next phase of your journey. Your gut feelings are the pathway to self-understanding during this time. Trust yourself.

gemini rising

Your social life blooms this month if you’re a Gemini rising. It may be beneficial to take initiative on making plans and expanding your social circle. This time proves crucial to strengthening your connections with others, so celebrate your desire to collaborate with other like-minded people.

cancer rising

A season of ambition is ignited for Cancer risings. Career, reputation, and public image are at the forefront this month. You’ll feel a strong desire to take charge and make bold decisions regarding your success. Don’t ask for permission.

leo rising

If you’re a Leo rising, you’ll likely be intellectually stimulated this Aries season. Your quest for knowledge and spiritual growth is energized. Maybe you’ll feel a desire to travel to a new destination or delve into a new course of study that piques your interest. Just make sure you temper your impulsivity with wisdom.

Virgo rising

Virgo risings should prepare for a period of intense emotions this month. The fiery intensity of Aries season urges you to confront your deepest desires, fears, and passions. Also be cognizant of your intimate relationships and any potential struggles you may encounter. It’s important to let go of your need for control during this time.

libra rising

A season based on connection is ablaze for Libra risings. Bask in the glow of your close, secure relationships this month. Your natural charisma may also bring some new people into your life, thus bringing in fresh, revitalizing energy. Assert yourself in your romantic relationships more this month as you’ll feel an urge to embrace individuality within your relationships.

scorpio rising

If you’re a Scorpio rising, your drive and ambition is in full bloom. Your success is at the forefront of your attention this month, so take charge. Embrace your leadership potential and maybe even try spicing up your daily routine. You may want to try some new workouts or even start a new passion project.

sagittarius rising

For Sagittarius risings, your sense of play is activated this Aries season. Embrace spontaneity and heart-led pursuits. Make some time for romance, socializing, and fun. It’ll be important to fully immerse yourself in self-expression and artistic exploration.

capricorn rising

Your home life is fired up this Aries season if you’re a Capricorn rising. Enhance your living space through renovations or a simple spring cleaning. Family dynamics are also prominent during this time. Spend some quality time with loved ones and be open to resolving any potential conflicts or lingering tensions present among your relationships. Stay patient and grounded.

aquarius rising

A time of bold self-expression is ignited for Aquarius risings. It’s important to express yourself this month, whether that’s through your looks or through your conversations. Seek out new knowledge and engage in dynamic conversations. You’ll likely feel a strong urge to assert your ideas, so make some space to explore your mind.

pisces rising

Your finances are on fire this month if you’re a Pisces rising. You’ll want to create a more stable financial situation for yourself at this time. Be proactive in managing your money. Maybe try creating a budget, investing, or looking for new income sources. Abundance is manifested this Aries season.

Spring has officially sprung! For everyone, Aries season will bring something a little different. Make sure to figure out your Big Three signs to see which you identify with most.

Ellie Apelian is a writer at Her Campus UConn. She writes a wide range of articles including wellness, culture, and style. Ellie is a first year student at the University of Connecticut. She is majoring in Physiology and Neurobiology. In her spare time, Ellie enjoys working out, listening to R&B and Rap, and watching hours of reality TV.