A situation familiar to me, to a friend, and maybe even to you. Why is change so difficult? Flowing between the motions of adulthood and adolescence, currently stuck in between. Starting college is a new experience for a majority of us “adolescent-adults.” A choice so serious yet freeing. Personally, I never fully understood the ramifications of college, of course, because I would have to experience it first; now that I have gotten a taste, it is becoming more familiar to me. Here is my take thus far:
Unexpectedly, college can potentially perplex you into questioning yourself and your abilities. Do not. I firmly believe that remaining true to yourself and maintaining character is crucial to success. It is one of those things that we admire in others; one of those things that give each of us a unique glow. Without our character and experiencing the character of others, we cannot fully grow or blossom into our fullest potential. By sharing our personal quirks, we slowly learn more about our own identity. With our identities ever changing, it is important to connect with each other, learn our interests and disinterents, and completely emerge ourselves in our present life. Although it may seem we feel forever uneasy by the quick turns of college or life, by embarking on our personal self-reliance journey, we will feel more “in tune” with our minds and our abilities. Point being, do not second guess, you are who you are, and all you can do is accept it and share it with the world around you.
Hand-in-hand with not doubting yourself is never comparing yourself to others. I know it may seem unfeasible, however, everyone should make an attempt. Whether you believe it, want to believe, or cannot possibly fathom it, everyone has something unique to offer. You may not see it in others, or perhaps, even in yourself, but I promise it is there. Some of us are good at comforting others, bringing on laughter amongst a group, or are independently succeeding greatly. Never truly knowing what is going on in someone else’s life, comparison should not be anyone’s focus. Instead, focus on increasing your feeling of self-worth and confidence by actively practicing whatever it may be that creates a sense of assurance; socializing, studying, etc.. Extroverted, introverted, humorous, or shy; confidence is something that at some point, everyone struggles to find within themselves.
So, as you begin the motions of this new chapter of life, keep an open mind about your self image and worth, and an open mind of the changing world around you. We are all experiencing our own unique oddities throughout this period in time—let that remind you that you are not alone.