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My Best Tips for Beginner Crocheters

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

I first began experimenting with knitting/crocheting when I was around 12 years old. My first few projects were scarves, which almost always ended up in the trash. What began as a scarf ended up being the size of a blanket, as I could never keep my crochet rows even/the same width. I got extremely discouraged to the point that I put down the yarn for a good few years, until I picked it up once again, this time in crocheting. These are my best tips for beginner crocheters that will guarantee your success in the craft. 

Take advantage of YouTube

I cannot stress this enough. As a beginner crocheter, I did not understand patterns, and the first source I turned to for visual tutorials was YouTube. Whether you are confused on how to complete a certain stitch, or want to be walked through a project stitch-by-stitch, YouTube will be your best friend in this journey. One of my early projects was this bag, and I found the tutorial extremely helpful and the final product to be utterly adorable.  

Start simple/small

When you first begin crocheting, I urge you to choose simple, small projects. I wouldn’t suggest trying to make an elaborate sweater or complicated stuffed animal (although they are fun!). Scarves, small tote bags, hats, and headbands are pretty safe bets in that they usually involve one type of stitch and will not be confusing to follow. Once you have a handle on these simple projects/stitches, you can expand your toolset. 

Learn how to read patterns

Some people may dissuade you from purchasing patterns online because they see it as an unnecessary expense or waste of time when you may be able to complete a project without guidance. Everyone has a different situation and perspective on patterns, but I encourage you, if you are able, to spend $5 on a pattern. When you buy patterns online (my favorite website is Etsy for patterns), creators are often very detail oriented by making very clear and concise instructions. This can be very helpful to a new crocheter. In addition, if you are unsure of some abbreviations used in pattern writing, remember that YouTube and Google are on your side! 

Mark your stitches!

I have fallen into many pitfalls by not marking my stitches. Stitch markers can be bought online or in craft stores, but I usually just hook a paper clip around my first stitch. When you mark your first stitch and you are working in rounds/rows, it is easier to count your stitches and make sure you are staying on track. It prevents you from adding or dropping stitches that could distort the shape of your project. Out of all of my tips, this one is arguably the most important, so MARK YOUR STITCHES!

Be Patient

There are times where I have restarted projects more than 10 times, completely undone 20+ rows, or have finished one part of my project in the completely wrong color. All this is to say that crocheting takes patience. Some of your projects will completely bomb, and others will be your biggest point of pride. Take it slow, take breaks, and don’t beat yourself up. 

Have fun with crocheting! Throw crochet parties, sip on some warm tea while you crochet, or cozy up in your favorite corner of the house on a rainy day. It’s all up to you! I sincerely hope that my tips will aid you in your success as a lifelong crocheter. Happy crocheting!

Eliana Hollis is a first-year nursing major at Michigan State University. She began writing for HerCampus MSU in January 2024. She aspires to become a women's health or neonatal nurse practitioner. In her free time, she enjoys crocheting, reading/writing, practicing piano, and playing tennis.