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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Manhattan chapter.

Soda, Pop, Coke: the beloved carbonated drink takes up many different names. However, a new one that may have to be added to the list is Poppi. It sounds like the name of what a little fairy in a Barbie movie may be named. Poppi is advertised to have only five grams of sugar, contain less than 25 calories, and have prebiotics. It sounds almost too good to be true. The main prebiotic in Poppi is apple cider vinegar, which has polyphenols, a source of antioxidants. Polyphenols are also found in blueberries, flaxseeds, artichokes, and olives, which are all major health foods. The official Poppi website is very transparent about everything that goes into one of their delicious cans. Instead of high fructose corn syrup, Poppi uses cane sugar and organic agave inulin to sweeten the drink. Coca-Cola has almost four times as much sugar content in its cans than a Poppi can. The organic agave inulin not only acts as a sweetener but also as a prebiotic fiber. It acts as “fuel” for good bacteria in the gut which causes more to be produced.  The major downside is one of the factors that sets Poppi apart from mainstream soda brands, the price. For an astounding $30 you can buy a 12-pack. This is almost twice the price of what a 12-pack of mainstream soda would be. Additionally, while this may be a healthier alternative to soda, it most definitely should not replace the actual fruits, vegetables, and yogurts that can naturally provide prebiotics into your diet. 

Now that we have a background of what Poppi is and how it is different from your typical soda, the question that has to be answered is what does it taste like? 

  1. Orange: 5/10

Perhaps I rated this so low because I am not usually a fan of orange flavorings, not even orange juice really, but there was something that I just could not love about the flavor profile of this soda. I wanted more out of it but it just tasted like a typical artificial orange soft drink (nothing spectacular). 

  1. Doc Pop: 8/10

One of my favorite sodas is Doctor Pepper, my go-to for years, so Poppi had to work to impress my taste buds. I think Poppi does a good job as a dupe, but it has a more healthy and organic taste which is not necessarily a bad thing. I think that the “healthier” and lighter taste it has actually works and gives a different flavor that an avid doctor pepper lover would enjoy. 

  1. Grape: 9/10

Poppi’s grape soda really stood out to me and has even made me start craving grape soda. Poppi’s grape surprisingly tastes very fresh and is quite refreshing, which I think can be attributed to the actual grape juice they use. Poppi’s grape soda has grown on me and I think could be liked by those who do not usually find themselves grabbing a grape soda from the vending machine. 

  1. Classic Cola: 7/10

I had high hopes for this flavor because I assumed it would be the easiest flavor to mimic, but I was wrong. As I drank this Poppi I kept looking for that quintessential Coca-Cola or Pepsi taste but it never arose. It is most definitely missing that very specific spicy yet sweet punch that the original Coca-Cola has. 

  1. Root Beer: 10/10

Root Beer is my absolute favorite flavor across the board. At first, I was hesitant because I thought, “How can you possibly outdo the original Root Beer?” However, the taste was incredibly similar and it felt good knowing that my favorite flavor was somewhat healthier now. As a die-hard Root Beer fan, I can say in good conscience that Poppi’s take on the sassafrass favorite is almost identical to the original. 

  1. Cherry Limeade: 9/10

I did not expect anything good from this flavor because the name itself is puzzling and a bit ambiguous as to what it is attempting to mimic. Coming in with absolutely no expectations was the best thing I could have done because I was pleasantly surprised. The best way I can describe it would be like a melted raspberry popsicle, in the best way possible. There is something about it that is reminiscent of eating sorbet on the beach on a sunny summer day. There are not any weird artificial tastes that linger in the back of your tongue either, which I appreciate. 

Now, these healthy dupes for your classic sodas may not be exactly spot on, but I think that they are pretty close and offer a smarter alternative for whenever you are craving a fizzy-sugary drink. 

Helen Velazquez

Manhattan '24

Hi! My name is Helen and I am a 4th-year Biology Major. I love iced dirty chai lattes, binge-watching reality tv, and cooking with my sister in my free time.