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6 Summer Food and Drink Releases I Can’t Wait to Try

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

It’s almost summertime, which means brands are beginning to tease some of their new seasonal releases.

Between drink companies like Starbucks and snacks like Lays, there is something for everyone to enjoy this season. Going home for the summer means having more resources, like bigger stores in my hometown, and a car to get there.

Here are five of the new seasonal releases I can’t wait to try this summer.

DR. pepper creamy coconut

To say I’m excited about this new release is an understatement.

One of my favorite things I discovered this semester is that dirty soda is actually amazing. While I usually opt for vanilla creamer over coconut when I make the drink, the taste of coconut with Dr. Pepper would probably be great.

I’ve enjoyed all of the limited edition flavors that Dr. Pepper has released in the last few years, and I feel like this will be another great addition to my rotation of drinks.

Starbucks Summer berry refresher

Ever since Starbucks replaced the original refreshers many years ago, I’ve been waiting for a new drink to enter the rotation.

This new refresher is so pretty, and sounds like it will be perfect for summer. I am also very interested in how their boba will be, since it’s something they are just now experimenting with.

I’m definitely super excited to try this drink, and I will probably be there on May 7 when it launches to try it out.

Doritos Baja Fiery Mango

While I don’t have high hopes that I will enjoy these chips, they still sound super interesting to try.

Doritos is launching these chips as an homage to Baja Blast for their 20th anniversary, so it sounds like they will taste like the iconic Mountain Dew drink.

I love mango flavored items, so I am super intrigued to try these chips.

Dunkin’ Kiwi Watermelon refresher

While I’m definitely still mourning the loss of the peach passion fruit refresher that left the menu last year, I am very excited to welcome a new refresher into the mix.

I’m not the biggest fan of watermelon flavored drinks, but I’m interested to see how the flavor lines up with the kiwi.

Kiwi flavored drinks aren’t super popular, so I’m glad that kiwi is finally getting it’s moment.

Peach Mango Cheerios

Peach and mango are two of my favorite flavors, so I’m so excited to see how they mix into a cereal.

Being home, I find myself enjoying foods like cereal a lot more than I do when I am at college. There’s just something about enjoying a nice bowl of cereal in the living room early in the morning.

Pepsi Peach and Lime

While I will forever be a Coca-Cola girlie, the rerelease of these flavors is so exciting for me.

A few years ago, I remember them releasing Pepsi peach, and I really enjoyed it then.

The lime, however, is brand new for me. Since it is already so common to add lime to soda, I have a feeling that this flavor will be great.

For it only being the beginning of May, there have been so many summer treat announcements so far. I can’t wait to see some of the other great additions that come to the shelves later in the season!

Kennedy Jones is a second year student at Penn State University majoring in Journalism and minoring in Sports Studies and English. When she's not busy writing, you can find her curled in bed watching TikTok's, rewatching The Office (yet again), or cheering on the Yankees.