I remember the first time I stepped foot onto campus. It was November of 2019 for a campus tour. Little old me was so excited to start my journey as a college student, but I didn’t understand how my journey as a first generation latina student would look so different from the stories told that day. However, looking back, my journey is unique because of who I am. I didn’t join the typical sorority or FLOs TAMU was so well known for, but I did join LMSA PLUS and Her Campus, which helped me grow in ways I’ll forever be grateful for. Are there some things I wish I did more? Of course. For example, I do regret not going out more, but I’m also glad I didn’t force myself to do things I’m not the biggest fan of. That’s not to say I didn’t get out of my comfort zone. I did, but in ways that are truer to who I am. I now feel more confident in my public speaking thanks to being a part of the officer/executive team for two organizations. I no longer have to hold on to the wall when ice skating because of the kinesiology class I took this semester. And I’ve met some of the greatest people here at A&M who share similar interests and experiences.
As I graduated this May, I looked back on who I was and what I did. I can safely say that Aggieland does hold magic, but it doesn’t always look the same for everyone. My magical experience here at A&M differs immensely from someone who is a part of a sorority, FLO, or no club at all. But it’s the same magic nonetheless. I loathed A&M for years because my experience was not the dream they sold, but I learned that their dream is not my dream. My dream was unique, but A&M still contained the individuals who shared similar dreams and experiences that ultimately represented the magic Aggieland was promoting this entire time. So, to the place I called home for the last four years, thank you. Thank you for teaching me elements of myself, life and love I couldn’t get anywhere else. All good things must come to an end. Farewell, Aggieland.