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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

People often say that junior year is the most challenging out of all four years of college. Being an upperclassman holds more responsibilities, and it’s an act of balance. Some days are easier than others, and I definitely experience academic burnout. I would say that my junior year has been more career-focused than my sophomore and freshman year. As a junior, you are one year closer to entering the workforce, and with that, there is added pressure to find an internship to have experience on your resume. With that being said, below are some quotes that align with how my junior year turned out.

“Remember that you once dreamed of being where you are now.”

This quote is always a reminder to pause and reflect on my achievements. As college students, we are conditioned to keep working toward our futures, forgetting to slow down and reflect on our journey. I remember applying to UMass undecided, and I didn’t declare a major until the end of my freshman year. I felt like I had no direction, but my freshman year self would be shocked to know that I am now a double major in communication and journalism, and a minor in business, alongside other campus organizations. We deserve to pat ourselves on the back once and a while, because it is easy to focus solely on the destination, rather than the journey that got us here in the first place. I also relate to this quote in general, not just academics. College is where I have grown to learn and understand more about what I value in life and what no longer serves me. This applies to friendships and mental health as well. At the end of the day, we’re all human.

“don’t measure your progress using someone else’s ruler.”

This quote is something new I stumbled upon, and it stuck with me because of how relatable it is. Junior year is internship season, so the competitive landscape increases. I discovered that PR and communication internships have a later timeline in terms of job postings and interviews, compared to other majors. At times I felt doubtful that I wouldn’t find a summer internship, especially because people kept posting about their summer ones during the winter. I realized that I shouldn’t compare myself to people who have goals and aspirations different than my own because this doesn’t serve any benefit. Refocusing energy onto myself rather than what other people are doing made me recognize that progress looks different for different people.

“What is meant for you won’t pass you by.”

This quote helps me put negative outcomes into perspective. Sometimes things don’t work out the way I planned, or unexpected situations can cause a few bumps in the road. I feel strongly connected to this quote because I feel that rejection is redirection, and that means I am closer to reaching what I am meant for. In terms of my internship search, there were some that I thought would be a good fit, but that notion wasn’t reciprocated. I learned to take this in stride, which now lead me to an internship with a company who has values that align with my own.

“There is no failure, you either win or learn.”

The way I understand this quote is that the term “win” signifies situations working out in my own favor. And if this doesn’t happen, that is when I take time to reflect on the situation and discover points that I can learn from in order to work on bettering myself in the future. I think that situations are only as bad as you make them out to be, and adapting to the “glass half full” perspective really keeps me in check and holds me accountable when times get tough. I always have room to grow, so I like to see what I can learn out of each situation I encounter.

“enjoy the moments before they become memories.”

Ending on a more positive note, I really need to sit back sometimes and enjoy the “now” before I say “remember when.” I do this from time to time, but I would like to do this more. This quote reminds me to live in the moment, because we are never promised tomorrow. And with that said, it is important to make each day count. I remind myself to do one thing a day that makes me happy, whether it’s taking a music or Netflix break, or grabbing a Starbucks drink or a smoothie before class. Little rewards can make each day more enjoyable.

My college experience is going by faster than I imagined, so these quotes remind me to appreciate everyday and to reflect on where I am right now. I hope you find this article inspiring, and stay tuned for more fun reads!

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I am a senior communication and journalism double major on the public relations track here at UMass Amherst. I love to play tennis, watch shows and movies, and journal too!