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Career > Her20s

Being In Your Andie Anderson Era

Updated Published
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCD chapter.

Something that I truly love is the different genres of movies. There’s a plethora of genres that allow people to fall in love or resonate with one or a few of these genres. My personal favorite are Rom-Coms. There’s something so magical and special about them even though the audience knows what will occur and they are cheesy sometimes. I think that’s what’s so special about them. In the world of rom-coms my personal favorite movie is How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days. I love this movie because of how uplifting it is, the outfits, the characters, and the best part is the soundtrack.

The main character, Andie Anderson, is a woman that I look up to if I’m being completely honest. Her poise, wit, and magnificent aura that she portrays in the movie is one that I certainly admire. As I am getting older and figuring out my life, especially in college, there are certain things that I want from life and certain dreams that I want to accomplish. The way that I want to do that is in the “Andie Anderson” way. She is a character that I can resemble and would like for my life to look like.

As a design major also trying to pursue a degree in communications, I have always wanted to work in the beauty marketing industry. This aligns with the career of Andie Anderson. After the first time that I watched this movie and became hooked to it, I knew that I would do everything I could possibly do in order to achieve the life that she has when it comes to my career and my future place of work. She has inspired me to dream big and to take that chance when it comes to what I want. Another aspect of her character is the way that she dresses.

Even though the movie was created in the early 2000s and the fashion is definitely outdated, it is still chic and some aspects of those pieces of clothing can be seen now. When I am in my “big girl” job, those snapshots of those outfits are definitely going to influence the way that I might dress. I wanted to see if there was a phenomenon when it came to certain characters of the early 2000s in their respective rom-com movies, and there was. There were other girls on the internet who felt the same way that I do about this character and the life that she lives. I think what adds to this phenomenon is how much of a cool girl she is.

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20th television / hbo / ghostly productions / miramax / canva

There are many characters in this genre that were created perfectly in their personalities that allowed women and girls to want certain aspects of their personality to resemble them —some of those characters being Cher from Clueless, Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, Kat from 10 Things I Hate About You, etc. There are so many that created this desire for younger generations. I think that Andie Anderson is definitely a great role model for girls, like myself, who want to dream big and want to pursue the life that she has.

Hi!! Alejandra is currently a second year Design major here at UC Davis! In her free time she loves reading, baking, drawing, pretty much anything artistic she loves to do.