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A Love Letter to Her Campus at St. Bonaventure 

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

When I first joined Her Campus at St. Bonaventure Univerisity, I was the only one who attended the meeting. 

I was a sophomore and I was the only person on campus who wanted to join the club of, then, five members who made up the executive board. 

I did not mind though. 

I think everyone was really excited to see me there and that I wanted to be a part of a group, that at the time, I did not know would mean so much to me. 

I could see this and the potential they saw for the club that they brought to Bonaventure. 

Those women who brought this opportunity to this campus, if you ever read this, you hold a special place in my heart and I have immense gratitude for what you started. 

You are all role models and excellent examples of what it means to be women starting something for the better. 

If only you could see us now. 

As time went on, our group grew sizeably. 

Would you believe me if I told you that a group of six women grew to 30?

Or that we seem to be growing each meeting? 

It is one of the greatest accomplishments I have seen.

And the best part is the people who are there want to be there. 

The women who join this club know that not only are women incredible, but that when women come together, the possibilities are at their disposal. 

There is nothing quite as special as the group of women that I have surrounded myself with throughout this group in my time at college.  

So, I dedicate a piece of this post to the group that I am leaving behind seeing as I graduate in May: 

You all hold such a special place in my heart.

I am a broken record, I know, but I cannot stress this enough. 

I hope that you love this club, your life and your time here at this school and soak it all in because it will be gone before you know it. 

I did and I think in the atmosphere you have created it is so easy to. 

And your imprint will always be here, which is something to remember when it all feels like it is flying by. 

Especially doing the work that you do, and showing up the way you do. 

Have laughs, have talks, have moments together. 

Grow and welcome as you do. 

Always remember the specialness you can create. 



Howdy babes, my name is Hadley Thompson and I am super happy to be here. I am from Niagara Falls, NY, and am ready to move where the Buffalo winters aren't so strong, brrrrr. I am a senior political science and journalism double major at St. Bonaventure University. I still remember my first semester writing for HC, I was the only new inductee at our annual interest meeting! It is so awesome to have witnessed this group of insightful and wonderful minds grow throughout the years. As I finish up my time here at Bonas, I hope to combine all of my hobbies and interests as I step into this next chapter of my life. Because I love things like reading, studying politics, environmental studies, chatting it up, writing, and such, I am applying to law school, eek! I will have to keep you updated. I am super excited for this semester amidst all of the changes, senior feelings, and, of course, to be a part of HC @ SBU! :)