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Ocean View Viewfinder Travel Adventure
Charlotte Reader / Her Campus

My Summer Bucket List

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

As finals are approaching and summer is on the horizon, I have been thinking about what I want to do and accomplish during these upcoming months. This summer, I will be spending a large chunk of my time in Worcester and then home before my year abroad. My goal is to utilize my time here and enjoy what my school and home have to offer. Below are my top 3 bucket list items I hope to complete this summer.

1. Visit More of New England

Although I am from New Jersey and a short drive away, I have not seen much of New England aside from Massachusetts and the schools I visited on my college visits. Since I will be in Worcester, the heart of the city, and have weekends off, I want to visit the states I have never been to: Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. Additionally, I want to see more of Massachusetts and become more familiar with the state I am studying in. As it will be summer, I want to see Cape Cod and maybe even attend some summer festivities such as the Brimfield Antique Flea Market. Although I may not be able to visit all of these places, I would be happy just crossing off one.

2. Create a Summer and Fall Wardrobe

This summer, I really want to update my wardrobe. Over the winter, I collected many sweaters and although I do enjoy my new additions, they do not work in the summer. I also have not really updated my summer clothes in a while and have been cycling through the same pieces these last two years. My goal is to purchase some items that I can use in the summer but also carry over into the fall and bring with me next year. Maybe I will look into doing a capsule wardrobe, but maybe not as I find myself always purchasing items with colors that match the current season. However, I will try to buy at least 10 pieces of clothing, small or big, to add to my collection and possibly a few pieces of jewelry or a pair of shoes.

3.Go Down the Shore

Every year, my family, friends, and I make time to have a beach trip. This year, I hope it will be no different and even though I may be cut for time, I want to go at least once. Right now my friends and I have been trying to find a time to go, so hopefully, it works out and I could have a beach day before heading back to Worcester. I always enjoy the car ride down with some snacks and music and then lounging around, taking in the sun, and then jumping into the ocean until we have to head back. This is a goal I will probably be able to accomplish and I am excited to do so!

Each season has its own unique qualities and summer is no different. The weather is warm and sunny, school comes to a halt, and time slightly frees up to experience new things. With my top 3 summer bucket list items, I hope to have an eventful and fun summer filled with quality time and places I have never been before. 

Kyra Corbisiero is currently a junior at College of the Holy Cross is majoring in Psychology and Sociology. Kyra loves fashion, movies, architecture, travel, and the social sciences.