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three seniors taking graduation photos
three seniors taking graduation photos
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33 Graduation Instagram Captions For The Class Of 2024

An early congratulations to the class of 2024; your commencement ceremony is closely approaching. Whether you are graduating with a job lined up, or you’re taking it one day at a time, this is a time to be proud of all of your accomplishments thus far and look forward to the next step in your journey

The class of 2024 is a special class in particular because a lot of the college students who are graduating college this year were also 2020 graduates in high school. If this was you, that means that due to the pandemic, there was a good chance you may have had a modified graduation ceremony (if you had one at all). 

With this in mind, you know the class of 2024 will be going all-out this time around when it comes to celebrating their graduation to make up for what they might’ve missed out on in the past. (If their schools don’t *also* cancel this year’s ceremonies, that is.) 

What better way to commemorate the celebrations — no matter what they look like — than with Instagram captions to show off on your social media the fact that you graduated and are proud of it.

So for all of the new and soon-to-be grads, here are 33 graduation Instagram captions for the class of 2024.

Funny captions for graduation

  • Totally wasn’t like the movies… 
  • So long, college!
  • “What, like it’s hard?”
  • Done with the B.S. (Bachelor of Science) 
  • I hope this B.S. (Bachelor of Science) pays off!
  • I’m feeling like such a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)
  • Hotter by one degree. 
  • If you’re reading this, I graduated! 
  • You can now officially refer to me as an alum.
  • Everyone on three say… “Graduate!” 
  • The tassel was *definitely* worth the hassle. 
  • Time to start job hunting. 
  • Thanks, caffeine, I couldn’t have done it without you. 
  • I guess C’s really do get degrees! 
  • So does this mean I need to start adulting now?
  • Call me when we have our reunion! 

Sentimental captions for graduation

  • Watch out world, I’m grown now.
  • Officially a college graduate.
  • Last day of school forever! 
  • She believed she could, so she did.
  • Class dismissed, for real this time.
  • Diploma in hand and plans on my mind.
  • This is what dreams are made of.
  • Onto the next adventure! 
  • Thank you for the best years of my life. 

2024-specific captions for graduation

  • Went to college during a pandemic, came out with a degree. 
  • Finally getting to walk across that stage. 
  • Class of 2024!
  • ‘24! 
  • I’ve waited eight years to have this moment. 
  • This is for 2020 me who didn’t get to have a high school graduation ceremony. 
  • Finally got my well-deserved graduation pic. 
  • Congratulations to the class of 2024! 
Courtney Lemkin is a National Contributing Writer for Her Campus. She writes articles for the lifestyle and career vertical where she gives advice relating to academics, campus life, and more. She is a graduate student at Adelphi University, earning her MA in educational theatre with a concentration in English education. She is a graduate of St. John's University where she majored in communication arts with a concentration in media management and minored in English. During her time at St. John's, she was the vice president of the campus' multimedia organization and also has prior editorial experience writing for College Magazine. She later became an editor for the online publication, then worked her way up to social media coordinator / newsletter editor, and eventually held the position of editor in chief. In her free time, Courtney enjoys anything related to the arts and loves going to see Broadway plays.