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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Items on my Summer 2024 Wishlist 

A couple weeks ago a few of my friends and I decided to do a little “glow up” challenge for fun, just because we were all feeling somewhat unmotivated and wanted to make changes. We all took the idea of a “glow up” and adapted it for ourselves, prioritizing things we each wanted to. I decided I wanted to do some sort of fashion challenge since I’ve been feeling uninspired getting dressed. I decided that this challenge was going to include actually getting dressed every day in something other than sweatpants, and a no-buy for at least a month. This meant I wasn’t going to allow myself to purchase any new clothing for a month since I wanted to learn to love my own closet more. This didn’t seem difficult to me in theory. However, I spend a lot of time scrolling on Depop and Thredup, and I found some really cute pieces I just knew I’d wear a ton this summer and almost bought them. So far though, I’ve stuck to this challenge. I think it’s definitely prevented me from impulse purchasing, helped me save some money, and forced me to think more deeply about why I’m buying something and if I really need it. That being said, my constant Pinterest, Depop and Thredup scrolling has left me feeling inspired and I now know what kind of pieces I want to buy once this no-buy is over and I can thrift and shop again!

The first thing on my list of new summer essentials is a jean skirt. An obvious choice, but I do think that jean skirts are becoming increasingly trendy, especially a lowrise, classic blue one. These are so easy to thrift and are great for so many occasions. 

I’ve also been really into accessories, especially during my no-buy period. I’ve found myself wanting to add to my outfits with a cute bag, a big belt, some hair clips or barrettes, or some simple sunglasses. For this summer I definitely want to invest in a statement belt, and a basket-type bag for beach days and farmer market excursions.

Another summer essential I think I’ll be investing in once my no-buy is over is a pair of little boxer shorts. I think these styled over a swimsuit or even just with a white tank top looks so effortless and is definitely a step up from an everyday pair of sweatshorts. They’re easy to get from most retailers, and I’ve found a bunch of these you can thrift online too.

Next on my wishlist is a ballet flat. I’ve found that I literally have no dressy/formal shoes after getting rid of my old heels I wore years ago to prom, so I feel like it’s time to get something for my wardrobe other than sneakers and slippers. Ballet flats have definitely been trending online, but I think they are honestly a timeless item and worth the investment. With socks or without, they can be styled in so many ways and can work for every season. A cherry red or baby blue pair would both be so fun for summer, and a basic black pair would be perfect for any time of year. 

The last thing I’ve been eyeing lately are fun, colorful socks. I am someone who loves my classic white Nike crew socks, but I’ve been seeing so many funky socks all over Pinterest, styled with flats, heels, even sneakers. I’ve seen really cute ones on BAGGU, Urban Outfitters, even at Target, and I think they are a great detail to add to any outfit.

At the end of the day, clothes are just things we wear to stay warm and feel comfortable and protected, but expressing myself through fashion has always been something that’s provided me with joy. I’m only about two weeks into this challenge of getting dressed every day and my no-buy, but it’s already taught me to love my own closet more while also considering carefully what things I want to add to it for this summer and beyond. 

Lily Wood

Wisconsin '26

Hi! My name is Lily, and I'm a junior at UW Madison studying psychology. I love to travel, read, listen to music, go on walks and hang out with my friends and little sister. I'm so happy to be a part of Her Campus!