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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

It’s hard to know where to begin when someone asks me what my sophomore year at Holy Cross has been like, simply because there is so much to say. For starters, there have been plenty of ups and downs; I have encountered some of the best moments of my life thus far but have confronted a very fair share of low points as well. Overall, though, I would say that sophomore year has been my best year at Holy Cross yet when considering a variety of facets: academics, social life, extracurricular opportunities, the list goes on. I have only had one other year here to base this opinion on, but I know that junior and senior years will have a lot to compete with in terms of eventfulness. From gaining and losing friends, deepening my involvement with on-campus activities, pushing through challenging classes, trying new things, and more, it’s safe to say I can look back on this specific period of my life years down the line and think of it as wonderfully chaotic. 

Moving in with a sense of security is one of the main reasons why I believe this year has been more significant than the last. As opposed to last year, I went into sophomore year knowing a good amount of people and with the ability to navigate campus, for example. This confidence allowed me to tap into my extroverted side right from the start of this year without much problem. Naturally, however, putting yourself out there comes with more opportunities to gain experiences, both good and bad. Since this is the case, I have found myself having to work my way through feelings of happiness and excitement, but also sadness and anxiety, just to name a few. This has contributed to immense personal growth this year, which I am grateful for.

I say it all the time, but I truly cannot believe I am going to be an upperclassman come August. I remember freshman move-in day like it was yesterday; it was such a pivotal moment in my life and representative of the beginning of an entirely new chapter. To think that my Holy Cross journey is nearly halfway over is quite scary, but it is also incredibly exciting. If my life has changed this much after only two years of attending college, I can only imagine what the future has in store for me.

I know junior year in particular will differ from sophomore year. While many of my friends are going abroad for at least a semester, I am going to be on campus all year. I know this will shift many of the existing dynamics in my life, especially in a social sense. There is uncertainty surrounding how the next academic year will play out, but I know that no matter what happens, everything will fall into place eventually. I just have to remember to have patience and maintain an open-minded attitude.

Summer is right around the corner, and this break is very well-deserved for everyone! Taking a few months off will be nothing but beneficial for students. With that being said, please remember to take plenty of time to rest, relax, and reset before returning to campus (or going abroad!) in the fall. I hope you all have a great summer!

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Meredith McDonough

Holy Cross '26

Meredith is a junior from Woburn, MA who enjoys writing, dance and spending time with friends!