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The Power of Yes: How One Word Transformed My College Experience

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Prior to college, I would describe myself as the textbook definition of “high-strung.” Anxiety was my constant companion, and spontaneity? Not in my vocabulary. But stepping onto my college campus, I realized I was carrying a backpack full of “no’s” in a world that thrived on “yes.” It was time for a mindset makeover. Little did I know that one word would become my ticket to a transformative college journey.

Breaking free from my habitual “no’s” was like stepping into a whole new world. If someone proposed a spontaneous bus ride downtown, I’d typically decline without a second thought. Late-night explorations of IV? Absolutely out of the question. But as my “no’s” piled up, so did the realization that I was missing out on the very essence of the college experience.  While I hesitated, my peers were diving headfirst into adventures, meeting new faces, and crafting stories that became the fabric of their college experience. That’s when it dawned on me: growth doesn’t happen in the safety of “no;” it thrives in the adventure of “yes!”

As I navigated through the maze of college life, I stumbled upon a transformative mantra: “Say yes!” It wasn’t about blindly agreeing to everything, but rather about challenging my instincts. Whenever “no”  lingered on the tip of my tongue, I made a conscious effort to utter “yes” instead. I challenged myself to reevaluate. Was I rejecting an opportunity out of fear or because it genuinely didn’t resonate with me? It became a game of self-discovery, a test of courage against the familiar pull of comfort zones.

In a world where “no” can often feel like a shield, saying “yes” became my superpower. It opened doors I never knew existed, and led me down paths I never thought I’d tread. I realize now that each “yes” was not just a word, but a declaration of self-belief and a commitment to growth.

Embracing the power of “yes” lead me to unexpectedly join Her Campus. Despite initial hesitations about juggling an internship alongside my classes and adjusting to college life, I took the leap — and it paid off in ways I never imagined. This experience not only confirmed my passion for journalism, but also enhanced my resume and introduced me to a vibrant community of like-minded people. Saying “yes” was the best decision I made, turning uncertainty into unforgettable opportunities!

By saying “yes” I found myself stepping into the world of Greek Life, a realm I once deemed too daunting to explore. Sorority life was never in my playbook. The rush process seemed like a whirlwind of stress and uncertainty, with rejection lurking around every corner. Yet, propelled by newfound openness, I found myself diving headfirst into rush week, and boy, am I glad I did! It wasn’t just about repping letters; it was about forging friendships, diving into community service, and not to mention a multitude of unforgettable events. Saying “yes” transformed my college experience in the most magical ways.

As my first year of college comes to an end, I can’t help but marvel at the transformation that unfolded simply by embracing one small word: “yes.” It was more than just a change in vocabulary; it was a shift in mindset—a conscious decision to embrace the unknown and venture beyond the confines of comfort. Each “yes” became a stepping stone, propelling me towards experiences I never deemed possible — unearthing a version of myself I never knew existed. So here’s to saying “yes” to the unknown, to embracing the journey, and to living life with arms wide open. Sometimes the greatest adventures begin with a simple word!

Hey I’m Isabella and I’m a second year Communications major at UCSB! I love Taylor Swift, reading, hanging out with friends, and going to the beach!