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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MSU chapter.

During a time of uncertainty, finding activities that bring you comfort is so important. I have made it to the point I have always looked forward to: graduation. I am full of a mix of emotions; excitement, happiness, anxiety, and sadness. While these feelings are all valid and important to deal with, turning off your brain for a bit and unwinding might be just what you need.

Whether these shows are new to you or are familiar, here is a list of some of my favorite shows that are full of drama that will keep you entertained!

Jane the Virgin

This telenovela-style drama is a favorite of mine. I’d say that I’ve watched it two or three times. With romance, comedic moments, and plot twists, this show is a comforting series to return to.

Gossip Girl

This drama centers around uber-rich highschoolers in NYC. I’ve just started watching this myself, but I know plenty of people who have loved this series for years.

New Girl

I love this show. It’ll make you laugh, but it also has depth and romance. New Girl is a quirky sitcom that’s both funny and sentimental.


I’ve loved this series along with Queen Charlotte. While it’s definitely different from the other sitcoms on this list, this romance period piece is very entertaining. My personal favorite is Season two.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a great comfort sitcom. The main character, Jake Peralta, who is played by Andy Samberg, is an immature cop in Brooklyn, giving the title ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’.

Modern Family

Like many other people, I grew up with this show, with the pilot airing in 2009. Modern Family has the comedic ability to create humor through the awkward dynamics of  family.

I remember talking to my older sister about how stressed I was when I moved into the dorms for the first time my sophomore year here at Michigan State University. She told me to relax, shower, and to watch Netflix. These times of uncertainty are not permanent. I am so grateful to have grown so much since I came to this campus. Finding comfort in times of uncertainty is so important. You’ve got this!

Elizabeth Cordill is a graduate of Michigan State University having studied Neuroscience with a concentration in Behavior and Systems. Upon graduation, she hopes to work during gap year(s) prior to pursuing medical school. A wide variety of specialties interest her: from OB/GYN, neurology, and pediatrics, just to name a few. Elizabeth is passionate about improving patient care, an interest she has furthered with research involvement on campus. On campus she has been most recently involved with epidemiology research in gynecological health. Outside of being a writer and member of the design team for Her Campus MSU, she enjoys spending time with friends, cooking, scrolling on Pinterest, spending time outside, working out, working with kids, and traveling. She has loved writing since taking Writing as Inquiry (WRA101) here at MSU. She has loved her experience in Her Campus!