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How Joining Her Campus Shaped My College Experience

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Stepping into my freshman year of college, I was determined to pace myself, avoiding the overwhelming rush to dive into countless commitments. My plan was to ease into college life, dedicating the first quarter to acclimating and tackling my demanding courses without the distraction of extracurriculars. However, everything changed the moment my gaze landed on a particular table amidst the bustling chaos of the club fair.

The Beginning

I vividly recall spotting a sign that read “Her Campus” and feeling a spark of curiosity. Intrigued, I approached the table and discovered it was a magazine crafted by and for collegiate women. As a communication major with a passion for journalism, I knew this was my chance to dive into my future career. Excited by the prospect, I immediately looked up the UCSB chapter and devoured nearly every article they had published. 

I hesitated as I stared at the application for the editorial internship, my cursor hovering over the ‘submit’ button. Doubt crept in—I had no prior experience and feared my writing wasn’t on the same level as the talented women already at Her Campus. Still, I figured, why not take a leap of faith? What did I have to lose?

When I submitted my application, I assumed it was a long shot. But then, the unexpected happened—I received an email offering me a position as an editorial intern. Shocked and thrilled, my initial rush of excitement soon gave way to new fears.

As I made my way to the first meeting, a whirlwind of doubts swirled through my mind. Would I belong here? Could I juggle an internship alongside my classes? Would my creative output measure up to Her Campus’s standards? Yet, the instant I stepped into that room, a wave of certainty washed over me: This was precisely where I belonged.

My Experience

The vibrant sound of Taylor Swift filled the air, setting the tone for what was to come. From the moment I entered, I felt an immediate connection with the personalities around me. Conversations flowed effortlessly and laughter echoed off the walls. It was a moment of revelation–for the first time, I found myself immersed in a community of like-minded women, united by shared aspirations and passions. I finally felt a sense of belonging that had eluded me until that point.

From that pivotal moment, I embarked on a journey with Her Campus that would redefine my college experience. It was more than just joining a club; it was discovering my true passion for writing. Crafting articles week after week not only honed my skills but illuminated my path towards a career in journalism. Beyond the bylines, Her Campus provided invaluable hands-on experience, enriching my resume and shaping my professional trajectory. 

What I Learned

After a year with Her Campus, I dared to reach higher and applied for an executive role. I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be stepping into the shoes of the Secretary next year! It’s surreal to reflect on how this journey unfolded—I never envisioned myself in this position. Yet, here I am, with newfound confidence and a sense of purpose. 

But perhaps most importantly, Her Campus has provided me with a sense of community—a support system of like-minded individuals who have encouraged me to grow and succeed. Whether it’s weekly meetings or social events, the bonds I’ve formed with my fellow Her Campus members are ones that I will cherish for years to come.

Looking ahead, I’m excited to see where this journey takes me. With each new article written and each new challenge tackled, I am reminded of the incredible potential that lies ahead. And while I may not have known it at the time, joining Her Campus was more than just a decision; it was a transformative leap that sculpted my college experience in ways I never imagined possible!

Hey I’m Isabella and I’m a second year Communications major at UCSB! I love Taylor Swift, reading, hanging out with friends, and going to the beach!