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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TX State chapter.

If there were a survey taken that asked random people if they knew the importance of Juneteenth, there’s a huge possibility that they might not be able to tell you the exact meaning behind this unappreciated holiday. Out of all the holidays on the calendar, only 12 are recognized by the United States. This article explores the significance of Juneteenth and highlights some festivities in the Austin and San Marcos area for individuals to participate in. These events provide a deeper understanding of the importance of Juneteenth and underscore the need for it to be recognized and celebrated just as much as other holidays.

Juneteenth Importance:

Juneteenth celebrates the end of slavery in the United States and takes place every year on the 19th of June. This holiday didn’t have an official excused day off, compared to other holidays that are frequently more talked about, until 2021. Making it finally recognized as a federal holiday many years later, Joe Biden signed a bill making it official. Being from Texas, Juneteenth hits close to home, as Juneteenth gained its name from being the day federal troops arrived in Galveston to guarantee that all enslaved people would be freed.  After many years of suffering and injustice, this is an important, monumental day for the African American community, as it marked the end of all suffering, allowing some sort of freedom and normalcy.

Some Important Figures:

  1. General Gordon Granger: 

Given command of the Department of Texas, he officially declared that slavery was over, granting enslaved people in Texas freedom, finally.

  1. Opal Lee:

Considered the “Grandmother of Juneteenth,” she raised awareness of Juneteenth to help establish it as a national holiday.

  1. Martin Luther King Jr.:

He held a Juneteenth Solidarity Day helping the holiday regain its importance.


San Marcos:

  • June 19, 10-3 p.m.

Dunbar Heritage Association’s Juneteenth Celebration

Games for children and adults, music, vendors, crafts, and an educational segment

  • Wednesday through Saturday from 10-2 p.m. 

The Calaboose African American History Museum 

Artifacts from all aspects of African American life in early Texas


  • June 22, 12-5 p.m.

Neil-Cochran House Museum Juneteenth Celebration

A Juneteenth Rodeo museum exhibit, guided tours of the Slave Quarters, and lunch

Nina Bailey

TX State '24

22. txst striving to be the best version of myself