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Brighten Up Your IG Feed With These Summer Solstice IG Caption Ideas

There’s just something about the month of June that really captures the magic of summer, and that may be due in part to the magical summer solstice that happens every year. This year, the summer falls on June 20, and it’s a day when a bunch of people will likely be out and about to celebrate.

But what *is* the summer solstice? It seems like one of those things that people always hear about, but don’t really know what it means, you know? The day comes, people talk about it in passing, and that’s it. However, the summer solstice has been celebrated for generations across a multitude of cultures with varying customs and celebrations to mark the longest day of the year. No, that’s not to say there are more hours beyond the standard 24 — it’s just that it’s the day where the sun is out for the longest period of time, giving everyone just a tiny bit of extra time to revel in the daylight before night falls.

These days, the summer solstice is still celebrated with parties and festivals, but you can also celebrate the solstice on social media. Check out the below summer solstice 2024 Instagram captions for some inspo.

“Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!” — Phineas and Ferb

These boys saw an average summer day and decided to make history every single time. What will you do?

Gonna use this extra time to marathon all of Bridgerton Season 3!

With a few additional minutes of sunshine, why not lock yourself inside with Penelope and friends?

Don’t forget to wear sunscreen!

Because SPF is a must, especially when the sun is out longer than usual.

“Summertime and the livin’s easy.”

A classic line for a classic time of year.

What do you say to celebrate the summer solstice? Happy solstice?

This is a genuine question. Please help.

“Here comes the sun, little darling” — The Beatles

This song is pure sunshine.

Resting beach face.

Whether you’re resting on the beach or not, it works.

Now I can finally wear flip-flops!

You can’t wear white after Labor Day and you can’t wear flip-flops before June 20. I don’t make the rules.

Sun’s out, sunglasses on.

Look cool and protect those peepers.

“It’s like a hundred ninety-nine degrees” — Chappell Roan

It’s hot outside, and you’re hot to go.

What Olipop flavor goes best with the summer solstice?

I’d say Watermelon Lime, Tropical Punch, or Cherry Vanilla. 

Ice cream or gelato?

Summer = icy, sweet treats.

I look good with a tan.

I hate tanning, but I do love relaxing by the pool!

Eliza Disbrow

Washington '26

Eliza Disbrow is a junior at the University of Washington, majoring in European Studies with a double minor in Spanish and business. Eliza is a writer for both the University of Washington chapter and for National HerCampus, covering a variety of topics, from music, books, politics, to anime. Beyond Her Campus, Eliza serves as the co-president of the University of Washington Euro Club. In her free time, Eliza can be seen taking in the sights of Seattle on any of the available forms of public transportation, normally with a book in hand and headphones in her ears. She plays guitar and bass, mainly as an excuse to play either Fall Out Boy or Ghost to family and friends. Additionally, she is perhaps the number-one super fan of "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," somehow able to quote or recall episodes ranging from the most recent release or from three years ago.