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Top 5 MUST-HAVE Advice for Syracuse Freshmen

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.

Going to college can be extremely stressful for many people. I remember moving into college last year and being so clueless, which added to the stress of transitioning into my new chapter of life. Being away from your parents, hometown, and friends can be tough, but you will get through it! Here is my top advice to get settled into college and ready to start your first semester on campus.

1. Leave your door open!

This was the most common piece of advice I received coming into college. Everyone told me to keep my door open, and people would stop by and say hi. I always thought this was a bit weird since everyone is so focused on moving in, but trust me, it is very much appreciated. The freshman dorms in Syracuse are the best places to meet people, as they host many events within the first month of school. You could even write your social media handles on the name tag placed on your door to allow people to reach out to you! I met many friends on the same floor as me by going up to them during the first week and introducing myself, asking them to hang out, get coffee, etc., and I couldn’t be happier that I did.


While people tend to focus on the fun aspect of college, we must focus on why we are there. When your professor emails you the class syllabus or explains it during the first day of classes, send them an email explaining how excited you are to be in this class, and how you look forward to learning this topic to show that you are passionate about learning. This way, you will stand out to your professors and they will know your name and are more likely to receive extra help from them, get a grade boost, or even be asked to participate in a research opportunity! An additional tip is to go up to them in class as well to put a name to a face so that they know exactly who you are.

3. Prioritize exercising and eating well

As someone who had the “negative freshman 15”, it is so important to focus on yourself while juggling classes and extracurriculars. Treat going to the gym like going to class, and designate a specific time multiple days a week you will allow for exercising, whether it is lifting weights at Barnes, pilates, or going on a long walk. Another factor is eating healthy. Dining hall food is notoriously known for being gross, but not all of it is bad! My advice is to stick to this hack when plating your meal: protein, carbs, and veggies. Having each one of these on your plate will allow for you to have a balanced meal, and leave you feeling energized and satisfied. However, do not restrict yourself from getting a sweet treat! Syracuse dining hall ice cream, especially Sadler’s sundae bar, is always the best after a long day!

4. get involved

I cannot stress this enough! While this may seem like a given, joining clubs is how you will find your people. Whether it is a club/intramural sport, Greek life, or an organization, you will be sure to meet the people you belong with. Attend the Involvement Fair that is held within the first few weeks of every semester at Syracuse, attend Orange After Dark events, or register for recruitment and join Greek life! Alongside my friends, I have met so many amazing people who share the same interests as me, and help make the campus seem a bit smaller. There is something for everyone, and if you cannot find one for you, you can start your own club!

5. don’t try to speed it up

You are only a freshman once! Don’t try to pretend to be older, or seem like you know what you are doing. It is okay to be clueless and carefree. Go to that party, join that club, put yourself out there, and experience everything! You will never be this young again, so enjoy every moment. Freshman year goes by in a flash, and you don’t want to spend it trying to be more mature and someone you are not. Be yourself, and don’t let anyone take this experience from you. Have fun!

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I am currently a sophomore at Syracuse University studying psychology, and I am from New York City. I am passionate about communications and media, and I enjoy creating content and writing and hope to become more involved during my time at Syracuse. On campus, I am involved in Z89 Radio Station and Alpha Xi Delta. Some professional experience I have acquired is working as a summer camp counselor over the past few years at my local summer camp. At this job, I have learned helpful skills such as time management and leadership. Some hobbies include going to the gym, and shopping, but my favorite hobby is cooking/baking. I enjoy trying new recipes as well as discovering new foods. I am very excited to become more involved in Her Campus, and look forward to meeting new people!