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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

A survival guide for university students.

Ah yes, it’s finally here, the season of stress, late nights and unhealthy coffee consumption… second semester. For many students, this time of year is a second chance and an opportunity to tap into our academic potential, but it can also be tough to get back in the swing of things (especially after a nice, long mid-year vacation spent scrolling on TikTok, binging series on Netflix and napping all day long). With new courses, increased academic expectations, and the lingering effects of the first semester, it is super important to adopt strategies that will help you not only survive but thrive academically this semester.

Here are my top 3 key strategies that have never failed to get me through tough semesters.

  • Skim over your readings before the lecture starts.

In my experience, one of the most effective methods that enhanced my understanding of course material was to quickly pre-read/skim through my lecture slides and prescribed readings an hour or two before going into the lecture. By doing this, I familiarised myself with the lecture topic, and it became SO much easier for me to grasp what was going on – my lectures no longer sounded like gibberish. This strategy was very proactive as it allowed me to identify all the areas that were difficult for me to understand way earlier in the semester and gave me more opportunities to focus my questions and discussions with professors and classmates, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

  • Have a Good Sleep Schedule.

Yes guys, the rumours are true – a good night’s rest can, in fact, solve all our problems (well, kind of). Getting good quality sleep is vital for functioning properly throughout the day and helps by improving important things like cognitive function and memory retention. Poor sleep can lead to decreased concentration, impaired judgment, and increased stress levels, and for a university student, this can affect your academic performance negatively. In my experience, getting a good night’s rest helped me a ton. I no longer slept through my morning lectures and ended up being more productive throughout the day as my time stopped going to my afternoon naps and started going towards my coursework!

  • Work throughout the week to have weekends off.

Using your time effectively is crucial in university, and having good time management will literally save you. In my experience as a student, I have two distinct parts of my life: my social life and my academic life. Keeping these two aspects balanced is very important for me and should be for you, too. A balanced life is essential for maintaining overall mental health and reaching full academic potential. One strategy that helped me keep balance in my life was to dedicate the first few days of the week to my coursework – specifically Monday through Thursday – which meant that I could dedicate the weekends to relaxation and self-care or to go out and have fun with my girls. By managing my time in this way, I was able to stop my bad procrastination habits, which alleviated the pressure that often built up when deadlines were approaching. This, in turn, also prevented me from burning out completely.

The second semester definitely comes with its challenges, which is why it is so important that you set the necessary strategies in place to set yourself up for a productive (and really fun) semester. Be sure to always remember that balance is key, and self-care is just as important as academics. So, embrace the journey, stay motivated, and keep pushing forward. Good luck!

Hi! my name is Megan. I am currently completing my final year in my undergraduate degree at UCT and am triple majoring in Media, English, and Linguistics. To describe me in a nutshell, I am someone that is fairly introverted, and I find solace in journaling. However, despite my reserved demeanor, I'm a passionate explorer and love being outside from time to time, and I mostly enjoy exploring hiking trails with my girls. When I'm not out and about, I love to stay in my room and binge watch anime series (preferably Studio Ghibli films).