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recruitment secrets bama rush
Photo Courtesy of Gabriella Greek
Life > Experiences

10 Recruitment Secrets PNMs Don’t Know, From A Bama Rush Veteran

As every Alabama sorority girl can probably agree, the No. 1 question I get when I say I go to The University of Alabama is, “Did you rush?” And yes, I proudly did. I will never forget my freshman year going through The University of Alabama’s Primary Recruitment, better known as Bama Rush. Coming from Pennsylvania, telling people I was attending The University of Alabama was already something that would spark conversation. And if I didn’t already feel cool for taking that risk and moving 14 hours away from home, you can imagine how cool it felt when the entire world was watching my school during our recruitment. TBH, I felt like a total celebrity — especially in the beginning of the Bama Rush craze. The reactions I get when I tell people I am an Alabama sorority girl is unmatched. 

I think the thing that makes Alabama Rush so captivating is that it’s truly unlike any other school, and definitely unlike Greek life up north where I’m from. Now, as I go into my senior year as a proud member of Gamma Phi Beta, after rushing as a PNM (potential new member) through the first-ever season of Bama Rush, I can genuinely say I’ve seen it all. 

If you’ve seen the Bama Rush documentary or follow along with RushTok, you may know the ins and outs of sorority recruitment already. However, there are plenty of secrets behind the TikToks that are really the backbone of what makes recruitment 1. work smoothly, 2. entertaining for the world to watch, and 3. memorable for the potential new members to take part in. Here are some of those recruitment secrets from a Bama Rush veteran.

Active sisters put in the work.

If you would have told me as a PNM that the active members went out there and recruited from their heart with no practice, I probably would have believed you. That’s just how special these girls make the experience for new members. However, while PNMs only have one week of recruitment, the active members have two. That week before rush officially begins — the videos that you see all over TikTok with the adorable, themed outfits and choreographed group dances — is called “work week.” That’s where the sisters all learn how to actually run recruitment. And those days are long. To put it lightly, during these weeks, I don’t think I saw sunlight for the entire week!

Sisters don’t wear their rush outfits all day.
work week bama rush
Photo Courtesy of Gabriella Greek

This is a prime example of social media not being reality. Everyone loves to see what themes each sorority will put on for work week — myself included — but even the girls who are going all-out for the themes will probably only be wearing that for about an hour. Each sorority at Alabama has dedicated time at the beginning of the day to make content. After that, it’s time to get to work on everything we need to know for rush, from learning our door songs to mastering how to have the perfect conversation with a PNM, so it’s mostly just sweats and comfy clothes the rest of the day.

The Basement girls are pivotal to rush week.

On TikTok, you may have seen the opposite side of the vibrant, bubbly rush videos featuring what people call the “basement girls.” While it may sound scary or weird that there are girls in the basement during rush, they are actually so important to the whole rush system! While most active members are recruiting girls, there are girls within the house not participating in talking to PNMs. They are actually called the “matching team,” and they work the logistics of a party, knowing how many girls are coming in the house, and where to line up active members so they can talk to their matched PNM.

The magic of recruitment as a PNM is that while you are in the house it feels so perfect and you are meeting girls with similar interests. This is because when you sign up to rush you share your interests, hobbies, and high school activities. The matching team takes the time to carefully read each girl’s resume and pair you up with a girl who you would click the best with, making it feel like you already have a friend in the house who you share common interests with!

Active sisters have a no-contact rule.

A huge reason why active members’ days are longer than a PNM’s is because of the no-contact rule between PNMs and active members. Active members cannot be seen outside of their house without a legitimate excuse while PNMs are on Sorority Row. Active members must arrive on the Row at least one hour before the first party, and aren’t allowed to leave their house until one hour after the last party. Recruitment is meant to be an unbiased, fair experience for each girl, so no-contact just ensures no one is swaying anyone’s personal decision. It does make the days longer, but it gives the sisters more time to practice and spend time with each other before the new members join us!

Rush is a performance.

Recruitment inside the house is quite the theatrical performance. There’s a lot that goes into making a party exciting, beyond just the conversations. Every sorority has songs they will sing, dance, or even rap to while the PNMs are walking into the house, because it obviously can’t just be silent. This is Bama Rush, after all! For my sorority, we have a few different songs we have to learn — one of them being a door song (yes, we actually do them, and TBH, they may look crazy, but they are so fun). And of course we have to bust out some dance moves to get everyone hyped to be in our house. In my sorority, our rule is that no matter if you’re right by the door or in the back of the room, every single sister must bring the same energy. Some of my favorite memories of rush were being in the back of the room just dancing my heart out with my sisters even though no one could probably see us!

There are outfit and hair requirements.

If you’re like me and live for seeing the sorority rush looks you see online, just know the sisters did not wake up flawless like that. Active members’ outfits are carefully picked out and must be approved. PNMs have outfit guidelines, but can ultimately pick to wear what they want. Active members have quite the list of what is allowed to wear while representing their houses. This depends on each sorority, but usually follows the same guidelines to make sure everyone looks cohesive. This goes for hair, makeup, and nails, too. The goal is to look and feel your natural self but just done up a bit! PNMs, you don’t need to stress about having the perfect look. Style yourself to what is the most comfortable for you!

Sisters Prepare With Mock Rush Convos.

If you’re a PNM this year getting ready to rush, I’m sure you have practiced recruitment conversations in your head plenty of times. Us active members actually practice, too! During work week, sisters spend more hours than you would think practicing their conversation skills. We learn about things like topics to talk about, how to carry a conversation so there is no awkward silence, what to do if a PNM is very uninterested in talking, how to divert the subject if we’re asked something inappropriate, and more. The sisters’ main goal is to always be genuine, open, and honest. We practice with each other and even by ourselves, sometimes even with — believe it or not — paper plates. If you can talk to a paper plate, you can easily talk to a PNM!

Every second is timed.
bama rush j board
Photo Courtesy of Gabriella Greek

If you’re going through recruitment you probably know about Sigma Rho Chis, Rho Gammas, Recruitment Counselors, or whatever your school may call them. They are current active members disaffiliate from their sorority during rush to help PNMs find their home with unbiased advice and guidance. But one thing I was not expecting as a PNM was the Judicial Board, also known as J-Boards. They are also active members who disaffiliate and make sure everything is running in order. They will stand outside the sorority houses to time each party, from the second the first girl goes in until the last girl leaves, ensuring each girl has a fair and equal amount of time in each house.

We’ve watched our recruitment videos way more than once.

When you’re going through rush as a PNM, each sorority will play a recruitment video for the girls on their house’s philanthropy and sisterhood, and what makes their house special. What I love about recruitment is making sure each PNM feels special coming through our doors, because each one is so special to us. But, in all honesty, we have seen those videos about 100 times. We watch the video during every single party, but we’ll make sure to hype up the energy and make it feel like we just saw it for the first time… every time.

The Cliché “Finding Your Forever Home” May Just Be True.
bama rush secrets
Photo Courtesy of Gabriella Greek

I feel that there’s a perception online that sorority life is fake and that it’s not what it looks like on social media. I have seen my fair share of TikToks poking fun at the fakeness of the rush conversations, which may be true — not every house you rush will be your perfect fit — but there is potential to have meaningful, deep conversations with the people you meet. So if you are a PNM rushing this year, no matter the school you’re at, I have some advice for you. Take every second in, because this is a week you will never get back again. Everyone’s experience is different, but remember you’re rushing for a reason. Go into it with an open mind and heart, and if you have the right outlook on rush week, you will have the best results! Bama Rush may have been some people’s TikTok entertainment, which I get (obviously, it was mine too), but it was also a huge part of my life over the past four years. It was how I met my best friend, my little, and bonded with my sisters. It was an experience I will cherish for the rest of my life. So, make the most of it!

Gabriella Greek is a part of the national writer’s program for Her Campus Media. You can find her covering the coolest new fashion trends you’ve been obsessed with trying and giving you the four-one-one on all the latest celebrity news. She is a rising senior at The University of Alabama studying Fashion Retailing, and is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus at Alabama. She had the opportunity to attend New York Fashion Week 2024, covering the Rise NYFW show, and taking on the runway while walking for Model Icon. She has a passion for competing in beauty pageants and was awarded the titles of Princess of America’s Miss Pennsylvania 2023, and Miss Coal Region Volunteer 2024. While on the Tuscaloosa campus she spends her time with her sorority, Gamma Phi Beta and writing for Alice, Alabama’s women’s magazine. She has a heart for volunteering and spends her time working to provide young women with the resources to foster confidence and positivity in their lives. In her free time you can find her driving around in her pink Jeep Wrangler, rewatching Hairspray for the millionth time, joining in on an Orange Theory class, or jamming out to Megan Thee Stallion. After college she plans to move to Los Angeles or New York City to start her career writing for a fashion magazine and then later pursuing her life long dream of designing her own fashion brand.