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Becoming HER: 5 Tips for Increasing Productivity

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CAU chapter.

Happy First Day HerCampus Ladies! With a bright year ahead of you, it is imperative that you stay open to new tips. College can be overwhelming and exciting, making it difficult for students to stay on track and avoid stress. With the amount of work students receive, many students struggle to find a balance between work time, personal time, and remaining productive throughout the year. It’s important to maintain a productive schedule while also allowing yourself to have fun. Here are some tips to help you stay productive and maintain great time management skills while enjoying your college experience.

Daily Routine:

Creating and sticking to a daily routine can help you stay organized. Scheduling specific times during the day for tasks like studying, doing homework, and attending school events, can be very effective. This allows you to create a healthy balance between your school schedule and personal life. It can also be beneficial to spend some time at the end of each day reflecting on what you’ve accomplished and how your actions may have impacted others. This reflection can go a long way in preparing you for the next day. 

Different Study Methods:

Studying is a necessary part of school and a great way to absorb the information you learned in class. Studying in groups is helpful as it allows students to discuss answers and support each other in multiple ways. Other options such as studying alone in a quiet environment without any electronics can minimize distractions. Setting screen time limits on your phone can be a good starting point. Some students find it easier to listen to music while they study, while others prefer a quiet environment. Studying in locations such as parks, college study rooms, or libraries can also be effective. Lastly, testing your knowledge can help improve your understanding of each topic. Considering the use of flashcards and study apps can be very transformative for your day-to-day study experience as well. Becoming HER isn’t only about your appearance, but about your knowledge and hard work as well!

Prioritize all Tasks:

To prioritize your tasks, there are different methods you can utilize.  Methods such as creating a to-do list of your important tasks, adding your daily tasks to your notes or reminders, or keeping a physical calendar in your study space, can be very helpful. You can start by writing your tasks in a planner and revisiting them throughout the day. There are also helpful apps to use like Time Tree and Google Calendar for planning out your different tasks. These apps and methods can help you manage your time wisely and stay productive daily. As students, it is easy to fall victim to procrastination which can slow your progress, lead, and result in last-minute completion of your work. In order to prevent this, it is important to motivate yourself and set weekly goals to make sure your work is completed earlier.

Get Involved:

Getting involved on college campuses can be very exciting and is a great way to stay productive throughout the school year. There are multiple organizations and events held on campus that students can attend and join. Being involved in an organization is a great way to build your resume for future job opportunities, but most of all it can lead you to meeting like-minded individuals. When seeking discipline and skills to stay productive, it is important to find other productive students who can lead you in the right direction. Volunteering on and off campus is another way to be involved with the community and ensure that you are getting things done!

Self Care:

Self-care is good for maintaining good mental health, especially when you’re focused on your studies. Too much stress can lead to depression. It’s important to take care of yourself by seeking support from counselors and other faculty on campus. Socializing with peers can help relieve stress, as can exercise, and getting the right amount of sleep. You can try new hobbies such as writing, sports, or reading. Learning new skills, like cooking or painting, can be helpful as well. Most importantly, make time to relax and enjoy being alone. This helps maintain a healthy balance in your life and keeps your mind in good shape.

College is a great experience overall, and many students enjoy it. At times, you may feel overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed, but it is always good to keep a positive mindset and find ways to overcome those challenges. It is important to prioritize yourself and your work.  Distractions will come, however, implementing these healthy strategies can help you avoid distractions as you work hard to obtain your degree. By applying these tips to your daily life, you can ensure a healthy and productive school year!

Hello everyone, my name is Journei Moore and I am from Pasadena, California. I am a rising junior attending Clark Atlanta University majoring in mass media arts.