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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Youngstown chapter.

Today, I’m playing the role of big sister and I will give you five tips for you as an incoming freshman at your new university. You may be scared or nervous, you may be calm and relaxed – either way, I’m going to help you start off the new semester in a very mindful, very demure way!

1. Leave High School Behind!

I’m sure you may have heard this, and I will say it again if I have to – leave high school behind. Even if you happen to be going to college with every single person you grew up with, leave it behind. The cliques don’t matter, the drama doesn’t matter, and also – your grades don’t either! Take pride in yourself if you achieve honors college, or a scholarship, or anything else that speaks on your academics – but don’t rub it in anyone’s face, and don’t expect to be the smartest person in the room.

2. Explore Your Campus

If you have the ability to explore your campus, take it. You may have already had an orientation, and I can still promise you it won’t be enough. Start by memorizing your class schedule, and in your free time, just veer off path and go to random places. If you have gone away to college, I also suggest making a friend native to the city and you can explore even further! The quicker you become acquainted with your surroundings, the less out of place you will feel.

3. Explore the Student Organizations

Join one – any organization. If you are unsure about it, make sure there is no membership fee so you can see how it feels to add another obligation to your schedule. Do not overwhelm yourself, especially if you have a lot of classes, a job, or any other responsibilities. Make sure you always have free time, even aside from studying and hanging out with your friends. Which brings me to my next point.

4. Time Management

SLOW DOWN! You have the rest of your life ahead of you, you don’t have to do everything every day at all times, take it slow. Manage your classes, and studying time as you get further into the semester, alongside any responsibilities you have starting out. If you prioritize academics over a social life, remember to still give yourself time to unwind in whatever way works best for you to prevent burnout. If you prioritize a social life over academics, just remember that without academics – you won’t have a social life, hint hint! Take your time, find your groove. Study when you can, enjoy college when you can!

5. Dress for Comfort

If you attended a school where you had a uniform, and you are now able to go all out with your clothing, please remember to dress for comfort. Especially if you are someone who will have long days on campus, I advise against heels, but if you truly think you will be able to survive six hours of walking across campus, up and down stairs – then not only do I envy you, I encourage you. POP OUT! College is a great time to express yourself, and even experiment with different styles. However, very quickly will you get tired, start limping in pain, or realize halfway through your second coffee that you wore standing jeans and you’re sitting in classes for four hours straight. You have the entire semester ahead of you, you don’t have to show-stop your first day. Leave the people wanting more!

Paramount Pictures

Remember these five things as you start your college career and the rest will flow to you. Congratulations on getting in, I hope it’s everything you’ve dreamed and then some! I now dub thee ready for their freshman year of college – good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Camden Spann

Youngstown '24

I am a Senior at Youngstown State University achieving a degree in Merchandising: Fashion & Interiors with a double minor in Journalism and Creative Writing.