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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

It’s that time – yet again. Here are six things to prioritize to welcome a new, hopefully invigorating, start to the new academic year.

  • Be smart about your class schedule: Make sure you’re on track with your degree plan. More importantly, refining your schedule can really help you optimize your grades each semester; similar to other universities, TAMU allows students to have a max of 4 Q-drops (so if worst comes to worst, you can opt to leave a class that might otherwise tank your semester GPA).
  • Collect your textbooks/class materials: As many textbooks offered directly through the university are on the pricier side, try to find versions online, seek them out through (non-risky) websites at discounted prices, or even find a friend would be willing to lend or sell you a book or two.
  • Figure out your modes of transportation: This is a big thing to consider especially during the hotter months. Should you walk, bike, or drive? Maybe now’s the year to finally figure out how the bus system works!
  • Set three new goals you want to accomplish for the semester (and make sure they’re SMART): It can get pretty overwhelming readjusting both academically and socially at the start of a new year, so having a few goals to work toward can motivate you to get back into the swing of things.
  • Schedule free time and create a routine you can stick with: It’s honestly tough to stay consistent with most things in college, but thankfully, if you start early and take advantage of digital planners and apps like Google Calendar and Notion, you’ll realize how much free time you actually have.
  • Step out of your comfort zone: If you’re just looking for something different, go crazy – join a club, meet some new people, and pick up a new pastime like pickleball. The opportunities to nurture lasting relationships and change up your life in college are pretty much endless.
Sarayu Malireddy is a writer for the Her Campus chapter of Texas A&M University. In addition to reviewing books, film, and other entertainment, she dedicates the majority of her pieces to detailing personal and academic experiences. She looks forward to using her writing to capture often-overlooked stories and to highlight marginalized voices within her campus network and local community. Outside of her experience with Her Campus, Sarayu serves as a leading officer of a community service organization and volunteers as a crisis counselor. An avid wellness advocate, she looks forward to engaging in nonprofit initiatives and harnessing advances in multiple fields to improve awareness and outreach of general and mental health care. She has also conducted research in various scientific disciplines, and after receiving a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from TAMU, Sarayu hopes to continue this passion and contribute to advancements in the field of medicine both in professional school and beyond. When she's not browsing for thrillers and 90s rom-coms on Netflix with her roommates, she's probably downing green tea or espresso shots. She adores blasting movie soundtracks during almost any car ride and is always ready for a quick game of table tennis... or normal tennis.