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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Krea chapter.

This Independence Day, we have disparaged and insulted the India we call mother. It disheartens me to say that on our 78th Independence Day, we as Indians have disappointed our ancestors and everything they have fought for. We have undermined all the sacrifices, the battles, and the yearning for an Independent India since, after 78 years, we are still not truly independent. All the hopes and dreams for a better future were in vain. We have disappointed every man and woman with a little bit of compassion, and tarnished the ideals of those who fought valiantly to give us our futures. This Independence Day, I cannot feel patriotic, I cannot feel proud, and I am ashamed to call myself an Indian. This Independence Day, I have questioned why my father served this nation so selflessly. This Independence Day, I question why I have defended my country all my life. This Independence Day, a single thought fixates in my mind- “it’s not all men, but it is pretty much every woman”.

It has been 4 long years since I wrote my first article on this very thought yet I am still overwhelmed by the emotions behind it. A day of celebration? No, a day of mourning. A day to mourn the lack of freedom of half our population. A day to mourn the senility of our “conservative” men. A day to mourn the humanity of our citizens. How can I be proud of an India that blames its women rather than bring justice to them? How can I be proud of an India that lies about a gang rape and murder, and instead calls it a suicide? How can I be proud of an India that is forced to say “Nirbhaya 2.0”?  I am angered, I am ashamed, I am upset. I am scared. How can I be proud of an India I am scared to live in?

Siya Girisaballa is an undergraduate student who has been writing for as long as she can hold a pen. With a preference towards opinionated editorials, she believes in advocating for her beliefs through her words and aspires to write for the betterment of society. Someone who has lived in the constancy of change, her words and articles are an embodiment of her diverse spirit.