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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bradley U chapter.

Hello Readers, I hope you all had a wonderful summer, but it is time once again to get the gears rolling and lock in. This article is going to be all the ways I have learned in the last two to three years on how I keep myself on track.

  1. Put EVERYTHING Into Your Phone Calendar.

When I say everything, I mean everything. Taking the time to put everything into your calendar at the beginning of the year is tedious but so helpful. Simply look at all of your syllabi and put super important dates into your calendar. That means: all your final dates, put when you have papers due, when you are going to have a test and what on, everything. The great part about the phone also is that you can set reminders to let you know when you have something important coming up. This has been my very best friend throughout the years I’ve been in college.

2. Schedule in a Self Care Day.

This sounds so cliche, but I guarantee that if you don’t put in these days just once a week or twice a month, you are going to get overwhelmed and eventually you are going to crash and burn. I am speaking from experience. There have been times where I have not eaten or gotten enough sleep or even didn’t have time to get up and do my hair. Scheduling a self-care day kept me sane when I really needed them.

3. Set Realistic Goals

You know yourself. You know when you need a break and when you don’t feel like doing something. As long as you are true to yourself when setting goals, you should be fine. An example of this was when I had 2 essays due in the same week. The goal was to get them done the weekend before, but life happens. I ended up spending a ton of time with friends and didn’t even look at those essays until Sunday night. I also knew that I wasn’t going to touch them until the next day, so then I set a realistic goal of doing one first, taking a break, and finishing that essay the next day. I knew I wasn’t going to write those essays that weekend so that’s what I mean about knowing yourself.

4. Have an Accountability Partner

It is so easy to have someone close to you push you towards your goal. This has been literally one of my best friends. They have kept me out of my comfort zone. They make sure I eat. They make sure my assignments are done. They are amazing. Their name is Aaron, or Queen, or Syleena. This again is one of my best friends who is always with me. They are with me when I go to the gym, we grab lunch, we go on shopping sprees together all the time. With all the fun though, they make sure I stay on track to get where I want, and I do the same for them. It’s really the best of both words.

5. Prepare at Night

This is a tip that will save you so much time. I think this is the tip that more and more people use every day. This is because if you just pick out your outfit, or if you pack your bag right before you go to sleep, you have so much extra time in the morning. Doing these small things makes the biggest difference in your daily routine.

I hope these simple, yet effective tips help you all out while trying to get back into the swing of things.

Jasmyn Burton

Bradley U '26

I am a junior theater performance major with a musical minor. I joined her campus because I wanted an outlet to express myself in a different way than I express myself on stage. I plan to stay in Her Campus for my full college career.