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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UTD chapter.

Strolling the halls of my mundane high school building, I noticed the eyes of many
wandering souls. Lost, emptied, and numb souls whose identities were lost in the
dullness of the people they were surrounded with. Rising every day at 6 a.m., dreading
the day ahead, I despised my high school life. Every lunch block felt like a long time
passing by, forgetting what I had learned when I was here.

Unzipping my backpack, I pull out my earbuds. Tangled up but useful to avoid all of the
outside distractions. Beats upon beats and sounds upon sounds. Music was the way my
friends and I communicated throughout our life. Whether we went on a road trip or we
had a bad day, turning on music would be therapy. The way it calms our minds and
brings more positivity is wonderful. Positive and happy music can alter a person’s
energy drastically. It can uplift the way we think into a confident posture, and we can live
our lives more fulfilling. Without music, the world would be stiff and lifeless.

Everyone’s peace comes in different forms but mine lies in music, especially R&B
music. I have been listening to R&B since I was a younger kid. Growing up, my cousins
used to play Ne-Yo in the kitchen. Doing homework in the living room while hearing Ne-
Yo was cherishing. The music this artist created formed bonds between me and my
cousins. We listened to him as our parents made us do chores or we had to clean our
room. But despite the circumstances, we were always happy because of the singers
that were in our generation.

Without songwriters or singers, we wouldn’t have music to this day. Without people who
create lyrics to songs, we wouldn’t have music to listen to. The experiences and the
motivation that drive artists to develop pure words in these songs can not be done by
everyone. Composing music is a difficult talent but some individuals turned their bitter
souls into generous people because of it. Let’s continue making breathtaking music.

Hi everyone:) My name is Sakshi Nair and I am a junior at the University of Texas at Dallas. Currently, my major is neuroscience and I am on the pre-med track. I am learning Japanese at the moment, and I love reading manga!!