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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Here are some tips and tricks I have used to get better sleep. While this might not work for everyone, it worked wonders for me. After you read, I hope you give it a try!

  1. Get a Diffuser!

The price is range from $10-150 and even more pricey for larger or more advanced diffusers. Some diffusers come in unique shapes like a candle or a mass of rocks. Some diffusers have settings to change the glow or lights. Other diffusers have timers or endless diffusing depending on the desired use for each person. A diffuser makes water sounds so its peaceful. The smells also add to the comfort necessary to sleep better.

2. No Technology 30 Minutes Before Bed!

Blue light can suppress melatonin production, which is crucial for good sleep and getting to sleep faster. I tried staying off my phone 30 minutes before bed and it really helped!

3. Washing Sheets and Pillows Weekly

Washing sheets and pillows weekly is important for air quality and clean sheets for a better experience to sleep. Sweat, mites, bugs are all concerns if the sheets are not clean.

4. Don’t drink caffeine late at night

This one is pretty much obvious. The half-life of caffeine is four to six hours, so half of the caffeine you consumed can still be in your system after six hours.

5. White Noise

White noise, for me personally, allowed me to zone out other noises and thoughts. It promotes relaxation and helps to quiet the mind.

Emma Katelyn Nguyen is the treasurer at the Her Campus at TAMU chapter. She oversees the financial statements and accounts for Her Campus and manages member dues, cost of events, etc. Beyond Her Campus, Emma does research in neuropharmacology, volunteers at the hospital, and occasionally walks in fashion shows. She is studying Public Health for her degree. She one day hopes to become a doctor with effective communication skills and writing skills supported by the skills learned with the Her Campus family. Emma hopes to create articles that are fun light-hearted college experiences. She loves talking about culture and experiencing different kinds of culture. Along with culture, Emma enjoys traveling and gaining new perspectives to life.