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The Power of Manifesting your Dreams: Understanding “The Law of Attraction”

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The “Law of Attraction“, like all universal energies, has always existed, and it has no beginning or end that we can determine.

But in order to understand and learn how to use it in our lives, we have to comprehend how this law was discovered and what we know about it.  

The first time that the term “Law of Attraction” appeared was in the book Isis Unveiled written by a russian philosopher and occultist named Helena Blavatsky. Published in 1877, this term used to refer to an attractive power that exists between the elements of the spirit. 

At first, this subject was not well known, and the deepening in this theory took off from a movement that became known as “The New Thought Movement”, which was created by people who believed in the power of universal forces in our lives. They were also able to theorize and create concepts that are used to this day.

Books such as Your forces and how to use them, Thoughts are things and The God in you were some of the precursors of the movement we know today.

However, this theory began to have a much greater reach in November 2006, when the most popular book on this topic had just been published, The Secret. In this book, it was presented the theory that if we think positively, we will achieve our goals.

However, the Law of Attraction is not just a positive thought: It has a much larger concept. 


The Law of Attraction has some basic concepts and the main thing that must be considered is (so that it can be performed correctly): the universe returns all the vibrations that you emit, in the same force and intensity. 

According to Simone Veiga, a free expression and movement therapist, the Law of Attraction works in the same way as materialistic physics and follows the idea that if you make a force under a surface, you will receive the same amount in return.

In addition, to be able to emit the correct vibration, it is necessary to exercise the unconscious part of the mind.

We often want some unimaginable things, such as buying an expensive car or moving to a new house. However, we are constantly stopped by a voice that says we have no money for it or that we do not deserve this change. It is precisely this voice that is responsible for emitting our vibrations into the universe. 

Because of that, you may want one thing very much, but since deep down the feeling that prevails is fear, you end up emanating fear, and your goals become more difficult to achieve. 

You must be wondering now: “But how can I make my unconscious think positive?”

There are a few ways to work your mind so that you feel positive emotions when you think about your goals.

According to Simone, acting as your dream is already fulfilled can be a big step. For example: my dream is traveling to France and to manifest this I can imagine myself walking through Paris, observing the Eiffel Tower, eating delicious foods and having a journey full of joy. By thinking about all this, my subconscious will feel joy and tranquility, which are high vibrational emotions. In conclusion, I will be able to vibrate positively towards my dream.

Another very important point is boosting your self-confidence. It can be interesting to follow up with a vibrational or quantum therapist, who can help you a lot about understanding your negative thoughts and helping you work this out. 

It’s important to get a follow-up with a therapist to be able to work on your beliefs, your fears and find out what are the hidden things that may be blocking your positive thoughts.  Once you try that you’ll feel better with yourself and manifesting positive things will be easier, the therapist finishes.   

to get inspired

There are some celebrities who talk a lot about the law of attraction and can also serve as an inspiration for those ones willing to start manifesting their dreams. 

Kendall Jenner is a famous media personality and model who became one of the most famous sisters of Keeping up with the Kardashians, her family TV show. Kendall is also a fan of the law of attraction, having a mantra and predicting her future with a letter that she wrote when she was just 14 years old. 

During an interview for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, it was revealed that Kendall wrote a letter about future life when she was very young. As her goal she determined that she wanted to be a very famous model and would like to travel to many countries. In addition to many other factors, we can say that Kendall achieved her dream because she truly believed in it and manifested it to the universe. 

Simone Biles, one of the world’s best-known gymnasts, also has a statement phrase she uses before her competitions. Simone often tells herself  “You got this”, a way to encourage herself and visualize her victory and thus be able to overcome her goals. 


A reminder to exhale and say to yourself, “You Got This.” #simonebiles #paris24 #explorepage

♬ orijinal ses – z🦭

Well known in Brazil for talking about this subject, Mariana Rios is a Brazilian actress, singer and songwriter who practices the Law of Attraction in her life from a very young age. Mariana says that since she was a child she manifests her dreams, always imagining her dream life as if it had already been fulfilled.

A remarkable episode in her life was the conquest of her role in Malhação, a famous novel in Brazil that used to discover new actors. Mariana said that every single day she imagined herself answering the call from the novel’s director and hearing him saying that she had been approved for the role. 

She spent her days pretending that she already got the role and waking up manifesting how her day would be if she was working. She really believed in it. Thanks to her manifestations, the long-awaited day has arrived and the actress says it was exactly as she imagined it. A true example of the Law of Attraction. 

Other important personalities that manifest good things for their life:  

Do you wanna know more?

There are some documentary series and books that can help you on this journey.

You can start with :You Can Heal Your Life

And if you get interested you can read the book: Ask and it is given

Just don’t forget…

The law of attraction is always working. 


The article above was edited by Larissa Buzon.

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Maria Alice Primo

Casper Libero '27

Journalism student at Casper Líbero College. I like reading and writing about politics, culture and entertainment.