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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

Summer is my favorite time of year. It is my chance to try new things, make some money, tan and, best of all, wear my cutest outfits (I die for a good tennis skirt). Each summer I make a list. The list includes everything I want to do, from going to the beach to running a 5k. I made a list this summer too, but some of my biggest highlights were things that never even made the list. These are my own personal summer highlights

5) Practicing piano with my mom

This summer I made it my goal to practice piano every day. I wanted to start the new school year with new music and as an improved pianist. Practicing piano is one of my favorite things to do, but during the summer months it is so special to me. At college, I have the opportunity to practice on the amazing practice pianos provided by my university, but they will never have the same feel as the piano I grew up playing. I have loved piano my whole life. Even before I had lessons I would play without any clue of what I was doing. I just knew I loved making music. Getting to go home and play my Yong Chang is so special because it reminds me of all the memories of growing up. 

This summer practicing piano was even more special than just playing my own. It was special because of my mom.  If it were not for her, I would not have the opportunities that I have now, especially with piano. She went out of her way to make sure I had amazing teachers and the chance to be everything I wanted. Without my mom putting her energy and confidence into me, I would never be where I am now. This summer my mom started to come into our music room and just listen to me play. She sat through many piano lessons of mine, so she was someone I could talk with about my music. She was invested in what I was playing and made is so much fun to be there. It started to become our thing. I would practice and then she would come in and we would just sit there together. My mom and I don’t get to spend as much time as I would like with each other because of our busy schedules, but this gave us a chance to just be there together appreciating the music.

4) Messy Fun Camp

When I think about summer, I think about summer camp. I have worked at the same day camp for three summers now. I love that job so much! Working with kids and going to camp sounds perfect. Some of my best memories have come from summer camp. Whether it is something a camper said to me or a themed dress up day, camp will forever be one of my favorite things I have ever done. Thinking about a highlight from camp was hard this year because there were so many, including getting my face painted as a Smurf, watching tangled and the many dance parties we had. But what I truly enjoyed the most this summer was the last week. After camp was over, we had an additional week for the youngest campers aged four and five. This week was called Messy Fun, for all the messy but fun activities we had. The highlight was not the activities or any individual day but the vibes. I was paired with two counselors I had never met before, but the three of us immediately connected. Within the first day I knew they were people I wanted to be friends with. By the second day we were making TikTok’s and working together to create the best schedule and activities for the kids. The community that we created for my last week of camp was perfect. I have so many fun TikTok’s to now look back on and reminisce about that week but also new friends to chat with. Our entire group of counselors took a day to walk around town before I left for college, making them the last friends I saw from home. I also have to give a shout out to my new sequined top that I brought that day.

3) Niagara Falls  

I have been to Niagara Falls three times at this point. The first time was after visiting my dad in Canada. We stopped at Niagara Falls and I had the chance to see it in person. It was the only time I was on the Canadian side.  The second was the week before I started my freshman year of college. I experienced the falls with some of my now best friends during the week of service. The most recent time, however, tops them all. This summer I saw the falls once again in July, but this time I was able to take the Made of the Mist boat tour. For the first time I was out on the water. I could feel the spray of the water on my face and got probably as close to the falls as I will ever have the chance to. There is really no other experience quite like it. I went with six other people on the Orientation Team during our Day of Change. It was one of my favorite bonding experiences I had with them and gave me memories that I will never forget. I still have the poncho I wore on the boat as a token of that day. We took so many photos of that day including pictures with the falls and a picture with the captain of the boat himself. The best part of this moment was how spontaneous it was. I had no idea what I would do with my free day, but at breakfast someone came up with Niagara Falls. Two hours later we were on the road there.

2) Niall Horan at MSG  

If there was one thing to know about me in middle school, it was that I LOVED One Direction. I loved it so much that at one point I was in its top 0.05% of listeners on Spotify. The music is so fun, and even though I don’t think I will ever repeat that Spotify stat, I still love the band and all of their solo music. I am, however, a bit bias toward my favorite band member, Niall Horan, the little Irish lad. When I found out that Niall Horan was going on tour, I knew that I had to be there. He has always been one of my favorite artists, and he makes such heartwarming music. 

I got to see Niall at Maddison Square Garden on June 13. It was his first night playing there in 12 years. It was one of the best nights of my life. I remember the moment he walked on stage. It was the first time I was able to see him with my own eyes. I am a certified fan girl, so I went crazy. I could not believe that I was seeing this person that I have looked up to since middle school. 

I love concerts and I love Niall Horan. There is so much that I could say about this night it would take me one hundred pages. The biggest highlight from the night was Niall playing “Night Changes”. It may be my only chance to hear a One Direction song live, and it was the perfect one.

1) O-Team

I can recall the exact time that I decided to apply to be an Orientation Leader.   

Four years before I even had to think about college, my sister was going through her search. As the little sister in the family, I was dragged along to every college tour and presentation she went to. To be honest, I went to more tours in grade 7 than I did in 11. 

The moment I decided I wanted to be one of the student leaders, I was sitting in a parent panel in Boston. I remember one student talking about his involvement in social justice organizations around campus. I knew when he finished talking that I wanted to do that too. Flash forward six years and I am sitting in my own parent panel.

This was honestly better than I ever could have imagined. I was in a spot that I had always wanted to be in. Every moment was so surreal. I made so many new friends on the Orientation Team laying on the turf watching the stars late at nigh and having water balloon fights during the Team Challenge. The biggest thing that I got out of orientation was my confidence in being a leader not just for my campers but also for people who are my own age.

I don’t know if I will ever be able to recreate a summer with highlights as good as this one, but all I know is that this will forever be a summer that I will remember.

Julia is a member of the St. Bonaventure Her Campus Chapter. She is from Ridgefield Connecticut and plans to write pieces about lifestyle, mental health, and literature Julia is a sophomore at St. Bonaventure University, who currently studies Biology and Mathematics. Julia is the Vice-President for Model UN outside the classroom and is actively involved in ASBMB and the college radio station as well as working as a peer coach and Supplementary Instructor. In her free time Julia enjoys playing piano, going for runs, ice skating, and reading. Her favorite books are “I am the Messenger” by Markus Zusak and “The Darkness Outside Us” by Elliot Schrefer. Julia hopes one day to be an author publishing contemporary books.