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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SBU chapter.

I’m officially 19 years old. It’s a weird time, I won’t lie. For one, it’s my last year of teenagehood. It’s my second year of adulthood and the end of my first year of being on my own in college. 

This new year of life is surely to be one of new and good changes. I have a new roommate and someone I truly look forward to waking up with every morning. She has already helped me to become more comfortable in my space, something I’ve recently struggled with. She uplifts and encourages me to be my own person and to not always consider her feelings before doing something for myself. 

This new semester marks a full year of knowing my best friends and the people who have made me feel so loved and appreciated. It’s been a year of growing up before my very eyes and watching myself become a more confident and kind human.

Something I’ve found myself considering is the ways in which I’ve grown. I’ve found more ways to be grateful for the life I’ve developed for myself and for the ways I can continue to learn and change. 

As I watch the younger people in my life enter a new school year, whether it’s senior year of high school, the first year of middle school or even pre-k, I’m realizing that I’m also growing up. These young people in my life have played their own roles of being like little sisters, and I’m realizing that even as I grow up, we will always share memories of supporting one another in different ways. I’ve also realized that I have played a younger sister role to my older cousins and their friends as well as to my older school friends. 

It’s a scary thought that in 10 years, I could be settled into a job that I love with new mentors as well as people I am mentoring myself. There’s also something so exciting about the fact that I still have so much time to be a college student. I may be a sophomore but I still have so much to learn. 

I never want to feel like I’m done learning or like I’ve interacted with enough people. Br. Kevin Kriso, whom I spent my summer with, says you haven’t met all the good people yet. The first time I heard that, I felt a rush of intimidation but also a feeling of relief that I’ll never run out of finding good people. Whenever I feel like I need a mood-booster, I remember this saying. It wakes up something inside of me to remember that not only have I not yet met all the good people but I am a good person for others to meet. 

I feel ready to take on this new year with the people who have nurtured and supported me in this past year as well as the new individuals I have yet to encounter. I’m looking forward to making this year one full of spreading love and joy with others, one person at a time! Watch out 19, here comes Lex!

Alexis Serio is a shadow to the editors of the St. Bonaventure Her Campus chapter. She is gaining the skills to edit and critique her HC sisters’ articles, as well as growing in her own writing abilities. Alexis is looking forward to becoming more involved with HC and refining her skills. Alexis is a sophomore studying Communication, Social Justice & Advocacy with concentrations in Spanish and theology. Aside from Her Campus, Alexis serves as the service and community outreach officer for Jandoli Women in Communication. She also works for the Franciscan Center for Social Concern and Mt. Irenaeus as an assistant and as a communications intern, respectively. In her free time, Alexis enjoys reading and listening to music with friends. She is always open to listening to a new artist, but her current favorite is Hozier. Alexis loves to go on chatty walks and explore new places!